The author proposes a new layer named aliasing layer (AL) for effectively correcting MR-specific aliasing artifacts using convolutional neural networks. In MR images acquired using parallel imaging (PI) and/or echo-planar imaging (EPI), the locations of aliasing artifacts and/or N/2 ghost artifacts can be analytically calculated. The AL preprocesses MR images by moving the calculated locations to the locations accessible through summations over all channels in a convolution layer. The experimental results demonstrate that the correction method using the proposed AL could effectively remove PI aliasing and EPI ghosting artifacts.
Convolutional neural networks (CNN)1 have been widely used in various MR applications such as image reconstruction, de-noising2 and disease classification3. By using the assumption that an image has spatial locality, CNN uses convolutions, which shares local connections in an entire image, instead of full connections.
Often MR images acquired using parallel imaging (PI) contain residual aliasing artifacts. Similarly, often EPI images contain residual N/2 ghosting artifacts. Previous methods to correct PI aliasing artifacts include the variational network by Hammernik et al.4 and multi-scale deep learning approach by Lee et al5. In this work, the author proposes a new CNN layer named the Aliasing Layer which can significantly reduce the residual aliasing artifacts.
For effectively correcting MR-specific aliasing artifacts, the author proposes a new CNN layer named aliasing layer (AL). In regularly under-sampled PI, the location of the aliasing artifacts can be analytically calculated by knowing the image matrix size and acceleration factor. Similarly, the location of the EPI N/2 ghost artifacts are known. Therefore, it is sufficient to preprocess MR images by moving the calculated locations to the locations accessible through summations over all channels in a convolution layer. After preprocessing an image, aliasing signals are accessible as spatially-local signals of other channels. As shown in Fig. 1, the AL is the layer which duplicates an input signal to new channels and shifts all aliased signals to the location of the input signal in the new channels.
The AL generates images shifted by $$$N/a, 2N/a, \cdots, (a-1)N/a$$$ where $$$N$$$ is image size in the phase-encode dimension and $$$a$$$ is number of aliasing signals. After shifting, the AL concatenates the input and all the shifted images. The number of output channels of AL is the product of the number of input channels and the number of aliasing signals. For processing aliasing artifacts from PI such as traditional SENSE and GRAPPA, $$$a$$$ is set to the reduction factor of PI. For processing N half artifact of EPI, $$$a=2$$$ is used.
For a proof of concept, the author implemented CNNs based on ResNet6, with and without ALs, for processing reconstructed MR images. The CNN with ALs for evaluation is shown in Fig. 2. Real and imaginary parts of data were stored in separate channels. The convolution layer used $$$3 \times 3$$$ convolution kernels with $$$32$$$ output channels in the CNN with AL and $$$32 \times a$$$ output channels in the CNN without AL.
For training and testing the CNNs, 5 images (4 training, 1 testing) shown in Fig. 3 were used. PI aliasing artifact was simulated by regularly under-sampling k-space data to keep 30%, 40% and 50 % of the original. Under-sampled data was Fourier transformed to get PI images with aliasing artifacts. In the case of EPI, even and odd encodes in k-space were shifted by $$$-0.15, -0.12, \cdots, +0.15$$$ in the unit of readout grids to simulate N/2 ghost artifact. The original fully-sampled images were used as the target ground-truth. The CNN was trained by Adaptive moment estimation (Adam)7 with a mean-squared-error loss function. The number of epochs was 100. The parameters of Adam were $$$\alpha=0.001$$$, $$$\beta_1=0.9$$$ and $$$\beta_2=0.999$$$.
Since same loss functions were used in the evaluations, the CNN with aliasing layers was expected to be superior to that with convolution layers. The results imply that MR-specific aliasing artifact can be represented as local correlation functions and thus can be modeled more precisely using a CNN with ALs.
While the proposed method can be adapted to other forms of MR artifacts, this paper demonstrates applications to aliasing artifacts from PI and EPI. Future work includes correcting images sampled from actual MR systems and extensions to other applications.
1. Y. LeCun et al. Gradient-based Learning Applied to Document Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE. 1998; 86(11): 2278-2324.
2. K. Isogawa et al. Noise Level Adaptive Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Image Denoising. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 2018; 26: 2797.
3. G. Litjens et al. A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis. arXiv: 1702.05747.
4. K. Hammernik et al, Learning a Variational Network for Reconstruction of Accelerated MRI Data. Magn. Reson. Med. 2018; 79: 3055-3071.
5. D. Lee et al, Deep Artifact Learning for Compressed Sensing and Parallel MRI. arXiv: 1703.01120.
6. K. He et al. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. Proc. the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2016: 770-778.
7. D. Kingma et al. Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization. arXiv: 1412.6980.