Fast data acquisition in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is vastly in demand and scan time directly depends on the number of acquired k-space samples. Conventional MRI reconstruction methods for fast MRI acquisition mostly relied on different regularizers which represent analytical models of sparsity. However, recent data-driven methods based on deep learning has resulted in promising improvements in image reconstruction algorithms. In this paper, we propose a deep plug-and-play prior framework for parallel MRI reconstruction problems which utilize a deep neural network (DNN) as an advanced denoiser within an iterative method. We demonstrate that a deep plug-and-play prior framework for parallel MRI reconstruction with a regularization that adapts to the data itself results in excellent reconstruction accuracy and outperforms the clinical gold standard GRAPPA method.
The discretized version of MR imaging model given by
$$\text d=\text E \text x + \text n (1)$$
where $$$\text x$$$ is the unknown MR image, and d is the undersampled k-space data. $$$\text E = \text{PFS}$$$ is an encoding matrix, and $$$F$$$ is a Fourier matrix. $$$P$$$ is a mask representing k-space undersampling pattern and $$$\text S$$$ represents the sensitivity information. Assuming that the interchannel noise covariance has been whitened, the reconstruction relies on the regularized least-square approach:
$$\widehat{\text x} =\underset{\text x}{ argmin} \ \|\text d-\text E\text x\|_{2}^{2}+\beta \text R(\text x) (2)$$
where $$$R$$$ is a regularization functional that promotes sparsity in the solution and $$$\beta$$$ controls the intensity of the regularization.
Our iterative deep plug-and-play prior framework for solving the Eq.2 is provided in Figure 1. DNN architecture is Unet-type convolutional network [6] and Loss minimization was performed using ADAM [7] optimizer. Zero-filled reconstruction is used as an initialization to the algorithm. For least-square case, we have
$$prox (\text d,\text S, \widetilde{\text x};\lambda) = \underset{\text z}{ argmin} \ \frac{1}{2}\|\text z-\widetilde{\text x}\|_{2}^{2}+ \frac{\lambda}{2}\|\text {PFS}\text z-\text d\|_{2}^{2} (3)$$
Since the deep network frameworks work on real-valued parameters, inputs, and outputs, in our method complex data are divided into real and imaginary parts and considered as two-channel input and output.
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