A new 3D trajectory design for efficient, self-navigated golden angle high-resolution MRI acquisition is presented along with results in SWI and BOLD functional MRI.
The EPIstar trajectory is derived from the radial EPI design in which straight readout lines are replaced by in-out spirals in the x,y-plane and consecutive z-phase encodes are twisted along z using x,y-gradient blips. For the spiral design the whirl trajectory is used,(12) which is a hybrid between radial and spiral, and is further optimized to traverse rapidly through the k-space center with non-zero magnitude to shorten the readout length (as opposed to decreasing to zero). The resulting EPIstar trajectory is characterized by improved incoherent coverage of 3D k-space at the cost of prolonged readouts. For high-resolution imaging an interleaved segmentation scheme along kz is applied to avoid severe susceptibility induced image distortion and signal loss by extending the readout length beyond 50ms. Therefore, EPIstar gradients are designed that only cover a fraction (Rz) of the required kz-planes. In analogy to standard 3D imaging, each of the Rz shots uses an additional z-encoding blip to shift the k-space trajectory in kz and fill in the missing planes of the previous shots. The combination of all Rz shots then gives one fully-sampled EPIstar blade. A benefit of having multiple excitations is that a large twist between the k-space segments can be incorporated without further extending the length of the trajectory.
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Figure 2. The increasing k-space coverage for an EPIStar acquisition is shown as it is rotated about the golden angle through time(top). The comparison of brain images (1.7x1.7x3mm3) for radial EPI,EPIstar and blipped-CAIPI EPI trajectories is shown below. Images were reconstructed considering increasing numbers of blades and consequently longer acquisition times which was matched by corresponding blipped-CAIPI EPI scans. The strong performance especially for low numbers of blades is demonstrated for EPIstar sampling which leads to a more benign aliasing pattern. High-quality T2*-weighted images are obtained in reasonable time using a segmented EPIstar readout(bottom-right). Structural brain images were obtained at a 0.5x0.5x1mm3(top) and 0.86x0.86x1mm3(bottom) resolution.