Balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) has merits such as high signal-to-noise ratio, T2/T1 contrast and rapid acquisition speed. However, bSSFP requires further acceleration in 3D imaging due to massive data collected. The acceleration of conventional parallel imaging techniques is limited. In this study, we propose wave-bSSFP by using a modified wave-CAIPI technique to highly accelerate bSSFP. Wave gradients were truncated to further reduce g-factor noise penalty with high wave amplitudes. The simulation and in vivo experiment indicate that wave-bSSFP is effective in decreasing g-factor. Here, an acceleration factor of 9 was achieved in brain scan with 0.8 mm isotropic resolution.
Pulse Sequence: The proposed sequence diagram of wave-bSSFP is developed as seen as Figure 1. Wave gradients of sinusoidal waveforms with phase shift of π/2 are applied in phase and slice direction. To obtain maximal wave amplitude as well as not exceed the gradient slew-rate limitation, the sinusoidal wave gradient in slice direction with initial phase of π/2 is truncated by one cycle. This allows gradients to moderately ramp.
Simulation: The simulation was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of modified wave gradients in g-factor reduction. Wave-CAIPI reconstructions with truncated and extended wave gradients were simulated based on fully sampled phantom data (acceleration factor of 3×3). And, simulation data was acquired on Siemens 3T MR system (MAGNETOM Trio, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany) using bSSFP sequence with a 32-channel head coil. The scan parameters were: TE = 3.43 ms, TR = 6.86 ms, flip angle = 30°, bandwidth = 298 Hz/pixel, matrix size = 192×192×192, voxel size = 1×1×1 mm3. With respect to the limitation of our MR system on gradient slew-rate (maximal 200 mT/m·ms), a small wave amplitude of 2 mT/m with wave cycles of 7 were used in the simulation.
In Vivo Experiment: Whole brain was also scanned on the same Siemens 3T MR system. IRB-approved healthy subjects were enrolled in the experiments. The 32-channel head coil was used in the brain experiment, and point spread functions were estimated using two-dimension projection data [5]. Wave amplitude was chosen as 12 mT/m with wave cycles of 7, and an acceleration factor of 3×3 was used. Other scan parameters were: TE = 3.43 ms, TR = 6.86 ms, flip angle = 30°, bandwidth = 298 Hz/pixel, matrix size = 240×240×240, voxel size = 0.8×0.8×0.8 mm3.
Image Reconstruction: Reconstructions were implemented using MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) for both simulation and in vivo experiments, and retrospective accelerations were applied. The sensitivity maps were estimated using the center 48×48 ACS lines with the ESPIRiT software package [6].
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