In this work a novel 3D flip angle (FA) mapping method is introduced which combines the advantages of the AFI pulse sequence (3D, low SAR) with the motion robustness of a radial phase encode acquisition scheme. Mapping the FA is needed for human body imaging at 7 tesla to improve image quality and assessment of quantitative results. Therefore, we combined an interleaved acquisition of two FIDs, S1 and S2, acquired for different repetition times TR1 and TR2 with radial phase encode trajectory. In this study we validated this new sequence with a body phantom and in two in-vivo scans. Similar results to cartesian reference scans were obtained and reasonable motion resolved abdominal FA maps were acquired.
RPE-AFI sequence description:
To enable AFI, a 3D RPE spoiled gradient-echo (GRE) sequence6,7 with golden-angle sampling increments was modified to allow the interleaved acquisition of two FIDs, S1 and S2, acquired for different repetition times TR1 and TR2 = nTR1 (n=3, 5) (Fig.1a+b). FA maps can be calculated as α(r)=nr−1n−r, where r=S2/S1 and n=TR2/TR15.
Phantom scans
The AFI-RPE sequence was tested at 3 Tesla (Magnetom Verio, Siemens, Germany) using a body-phantom filled with a polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-water solution (σ=0.56S/m,ϵ=55). The resulting FA maps were quantitatively compared to the ones obtained with a 3D cartesian AFI sequence matched to the RPE-AFI. Cartesian and RPE-AFI were derived from different sequences. Nominal FA was 60° in all cases. Sequence parameters are listed in Tab.1.
In-vivo scan
Two healthy subjects (HS1 and HS2) were scanned according to a local IRB approved protocol. HS1 was scanned at 7T (Magnetom 7T, Siemens, Germany), and HS2 at 3T. In HS1, the RPE-AFI sequence was applied to the human brain (i.e. a region not affected by respiration) and compared to a cartesian matched AFI protocol (Tab.1).
For HS2, RPE-AFI was applied to the abdomen to quantify the FA in the presence of respiratory motion. To ensure sufficient k-space center update for self-navigation, a slab selective excitation was used in the RL direction in this preliminary work to achieve a temporal resolution of Δt=1.2s but only central slices were used for FA comparisons. During reconstruction, self-navigation was used as in 7. Respiratory motion was derived from all readouts crossing k-space center and data was binned into three different respiratory motion states. Subsequently, a 3D image was reconstructed for each motion state using NUFFT8.
All acquired maps were manually masked, FA maps across scans were compared pixel wise in a ROI (Phantom: (50x50x100mm)³, Brain: (84x84x84mm)³) placed in the center of the phantom/brain. Wilcoxon signed rank tests were performed in the ROI. In the abdominal scan the mean FA was calculated in an ROI covering the human liver for exhale and inhale.
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Table 1 Sequence parameter for cartesian AFI and RPE-AFI sequence. Body phantom, 7 Tesla brain and 3 Tesla abdomen examination.
of additionally aquiered phase encode points with respect to nyquist criterion