Multispectral acquisition is an important technique for MRI near metal. It is critical to estimate the field map and correct for displacements among bin images before bin combination in order to eliminate blurring. However, current field-estimation methods are either susceptible to noise or are computationally intensive, limiting their clinical applications. We propose a robust and efficient algorithm for calculating the field map from multispectral datasets based on a previous matched-filter field estimation technique. The proposed technique was tested on a digital phantom and generated accurate field maps and high quality images with a very short calculation time.
The previous MF method has two steps. It first roughly estimates the field by matching the signal intensity across bins to the RF profile (Fig.1), and then accounts for displacements among bin images by a fine search of the field that maximizes the goodness-of-fit, which is defined as:
$$g(x,y,z,f)=1-\frac{|\overrightarrow{S}(x,y,z,f) - \alpha \overrightarrow{RF}(f)|_2}{\alpha |\overrightarrow{S}(x,y,z)|_2|\overrightarrow{RF}(f)|_2} \, ,\: \textrm{with} \: \overrightarrow{S}(x,y,z,f) = [s_1(x - \frac{f-F_1}{BW}) \quad s_2(x - \frac{f-F_2}{BW}) \quad \cdots \quad s_n(x - \frac{f-F_n}{BW})] \, ,$$
where $$$\alpha$$$ is a scalar chosen to match the magnitudes, $$$F_i$$$ and $$$s_i$$$ are bin frequencies and images. Since image interpolation is needed for updating $$$\overrightarrow{S}$$$ in every iteration step for all frequency bins, this method is computationally intensive.
We propose a variant of the MF approach that avoids interpolation and is computationally efficient (MF-Fast). Workflow of MF-Fast is shown in Fig.2. Firstly, original bin images are properly shifted along the RO direction so that they are all aligned (but distorted), which is equivalent to demodulating different acquisitions at the same frequency ($$$F_0$$$). Secondly, a field map (still distorted) is efficiently calculated using the aligned bin images by finding the maximum correlation between the RF profile and signal intensity across bins. Thirdly, field maps corresponding to demodulation at different bin frequencies are generated by shifting the previous one demodulated at $$$F_0$$$ along the RO direction and adding global offsets according to $$$f_b(x,y,z)=f_0(x-\frac{F_b - F_0}{BW},y,z) + (F_b-F_0)$$$, where $$$f_b$$$ and $$$f_0$$$ are voxel frequencies corresponding to demodulation frequencies $$$F_b$$$ and $$$F_0$$$, and RO is along the x direction. Finally, we search for the frequency closest to 0 across bins for each voxel, and add the corresponding bin frequency to generate the final field map:
$$b = \underset{b}{\operatorname{argmin}} \,abs(f_b (x,y,z)) \, ,\textrm{and} \: f(x,y,z) = f_b(x,y,z) + F_b \, ,$$
where b indicates the frequency bin closest to the frequency of voxel (x, y, z) , $$$F_b$$$ is the bin frequency and $$$f_b$$$ is the voxel frequency relative to $$$F_b$$$. The final field map is distortion free because each voxel is effectively demodulated at the closest bin frequency.
A digital phantom containing a titanium inclusion (χ=182ppm4) was used to demonstrate MF-Fast at 3T. The true field map was calculated using the dipole model5. Effects of the B0 field perturbation were considered in simulation of the MRI signal. 30 Spectra bins from -14KHz to 15KHz with a step size of 1KHz were collected with BW=1KHz/pixel, and the matrix size=384x192. A Gaussian profile was assumed for the RF with a FWHM of 2KHz. Gaussian noise with an SNR of 50 was added to the bin images. Both CM and MF-Fast were used to calculate the field maps, which were subsequently used to correct for displacements among bin images2. The final images were generated using RF-weighted spectral bin combination3 (RF Comb). We also reconstructed the same dataset using direct root-sum-of-squares (RSOS) bin combination for comparison.