The prolonged time required to form an MR image continues to impose different challenges at both theoretical and clinical levels. With this motivation in mind, this work addresses a central topic in MRI, which is how to correct the motion problem, through a new multitask optimisation framework. The significance is that by tackling the reconstruction and registration tasks $$$-$$$ simultaneously and jointly $$$-$$$ one can exploit their strong correlation reducing error propagations and resulting in a significant motion correction. The clinical potentials of our approach are reflected in having higher image quality with fewer artefacts whilst keeping fine details. We evaluate our approach through a set of quantitative and qualitative experimental results.
In a MRI setting, a target image $$$u\in \mathbb{R}^{N}$$$ representing a part of the patient body is acquired in spatial-frequency space. The measured samples can be represented in a matrix form as $$$x=\mathcal{A}u+\varepsilon$$$ where $$$x \in\mathbb{C}^{M} (M\ll N)$$$ refers to the $$$\mathbf{k},t-$$$space measurements, $$$\mathcal{A}:\mathbb{R}^N \rightarrow \mathbb{C}^M$$$ is the Fourier operator (neglecting the phase), and $$$\varepsilon$$$ models some noise. For a multiple receiver coil, $$$\mathcal{A}$$$ encodes coils sensitivities and the Fourier transform.In this work, we seek to extract simultaneously from a set of multiple MR acquisitions $$$x_i$$$, corrupted by motion, a mean static and clean reconstructed image $$$u$$$ as well as the deformation maps $$$\varphi_i$$$ aligning each image of the set to the mean image. Combining these two tasks in a unified variational framework, our optimisation problem is the following:
$$ \begin{align}\nonumber \min_{u, \varphi_i} \bigg\{ & \frac{1}{T}\sum_{i=1}^{T} \Big(\underbrace{ \beta ( \| \nabla \varphi_i \|^2 - \alpha)^2 \cdot H_{\epsilon}(\| \nabla \varphi_i \|^2 - \alpha) + \varPsi( \operatorname{det} \nabla \varphi_i)}_{\text{$=Reg(\nabla \varphi_i)$, nonlinear-elasticity-based regularisation}} \label{P} \\ \nonumber & + \underbrace{\frac{1}{2} \|\mathcal{A}(u\circ \varphi_i) - x_i\|_2^2 \Big)}_{\text{fidelity term intertwining registration and reconstruction tasks}} \\ &+ \delta \underbrace{\operatorname{TV}(u)}_{\text{edge preserving regularisation}} \bigg\},\\\nonumber \text{with } \psi : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R},\,& s\mapsto -\frac{\mu}{2}s^2 + \mu(s-1)^2+\frac{\mu(\lambda + \mu)}{2(\lambda+2\mu)},\\\nonumber H_\epsilon &\text{ is the regularized Heaviside function,}\\\nonumber \mu=800,\text{ and } \lambda=10& \text{ are the Lamé coefficients.}\end{align} $$
This minimisation problem for motion correction is composed of three terms: (i) a nonlinear-elasticity-based regulariser that describes the nature of the deformations $$$-$$$ we model the organs as homogeneous, isotropic, and hyperelastic materials (more precisely, as Saint Venant-Kirchhoff materials) as shown in $$$^{5,6}$$$; (ii) a discrepancy term that enforces the deformed mean to match the acquisitions; (iii) a total variation (TV) type regulariser for edge preservation of the reconstructed image. We obtain an approximate solution by an alternating optimisation scheme. Our approach is summarised in Figure 1.
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