High temporal signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR) is crucial in fMRI to maximise functional sensitivity. The use of high-density receiver arrays can greatly improve tSNR and enables parallel imaging, a requirement for imaging with high spatial resolution while maintaining reasonable scan times. The 3D-EPI approach enables through plane acceleration but at the cost of increased motion sensitivity. Here we explore the impact of rapidly varying sensitivity fields on the degradation of tSNR in the presence of motion in the context of 3D-EPI.
We simulated time series data (50 volumes) in order to disentangle the interaction of the receive field sensitivity and motion in the context of 3D–EPI for fMRI applications. To ensure a realistic motion trajectory, the input motion for the simulations was measured on a subject using a bore-mounted prospective motion correction (PMC) camera (Kineticor). For each EPI readout motion was simulated by applying the measured translations/rotations to a complex reference image and subsequently extracting the relevant k-space plane (see Fig. 1). The impact of coil configurations was assessed by multiplying the image with measured complex coil sensitivities (estimated/extrapolated to the full FOV) from three different receivers (20/32/64ch). In the first simulation (“static coil sensitivities”) the image was multiplied by the coil sensitivities after the motion was applied, in the second the sensitivities were incorporated prior to the motion, modelling the coil sensitivity tracking the head (“dynamic coil sensitivities”). These two cases were compared to isolate the impact of differential coil sensitivity.
To isolate the impact of receive sensitivities empirically, data were collected on a healthy volunteer using a high-resolution whole-brain 3D-EPI protocol (64ch coil, acceleration factor R=2x2, CAIPI shift=1, resolution=1.5 mm isotropic, FOV=192x192x120 mm3, TR/TE/FA=70ms/35ms/17°, TRvol=2.8s). On the first run the subject was instructed to move. The subjects’ movements were measured using the PMC camera (no PMC performed). On a second run the participant was instructed to stay still, while the previously measured motion time course was played out by adjusting the gradients/RF chain (using functionality of the PMC system).
The drop in tSNR caused by motion-induced inconsistencies in the k-space data was large (~90% reduction in tSNR compared to time-series with thermal noise only). However, the further loss of tSNR due to static coil sensitivities (Fig. 2) was small (< 5 % difference in tSNR, static>dynamic.) The 20-channel coil had somewhat less tSNR degradation compared to the 32 and 64 channels, though the effect is small and warrants further investigation.
Consistent with this finding, our in-vivo experiment showed no substantial tSNR difference between the time series with subject motion and the time series where the same motion was introduced by the PMC system while the subject remained static (Fig. 3). In the latter experiment there was no relative motion between the participant and the coil.
The fact that the tSNR was largely unchanged (though greatly reduced relative to no-motion) confirmed the simulation result that the effect of sensitivity in 3D-EPI is a secondary/small effect, at least for the scale of motion tested.
The effect of participant motion relative to the static coil sensitivities was small in scale compared to the overall motion-induced tSNR drop. However, if perfect retrospective/prospective motion correction was achieved the effect of coil sensitivity would remain and may be sufficiently big to compete with BOLD-induced signal changes. In addition, the motion trajectories applied in this work were large. In future work we plan to explore how the relative effect of coil sensitivities scales with the amplitude/type of motion.
While there was good agreement between the simulations and experiment, the simulations did not take into account (1) parallel imaging, (2) the alteration of sensitivities due to position-specific coil loading or (3) the alteration of the susceptibility-induced field distributions.
Our simulations and preliminary data suggests that the relative impact of more spatially localised coil sensitivities on 3D-EPI data is less than might be expected, such that this would not offset the inherent benefits of tSNR/parallel imaging performance that these coils offer. However further simulations and in-vivo data are required to test this across different motion regimes.
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