We propose a multiparametric balanced steady-state 3D Cartesian sequence that exploits model based and pattern matching reconstruction strategies for a series of 20 flip angles and repetition times, allowing for the simultaneous quantification of B0, B1+, T1, T2, and proton density. Time-varying signal patterns at the steady state are reached that allow for the acquisition of unique signal patterns in each image voxel for any acquisition scheme. We show the feasibility of our technique in-vivo in the human brain in 11 minutes, here with Cartesian acquisition and no acceleration strategies.
Our sequence uses a series of 20 different FAs and TRs. Since the sequence parameter space is greatly reduced, optimization of trajectories can be performed to achieve better discrimination of the encoded parameters T1, T2, B0, B1+, and proton density2,3. Discriminatory power of a FA/TR trajectory can be evaluated by calculating the dot product matrix H of a simulated dictionary D2,5:
H = D†D
The FA and TR train is chosen using stochastic optimization within a predefined set, selecting candidates presenting the minimum averaged correlation coefficient. The optimized sequence presented uses FAs between 10° and 170° and TRs between 11 ms to 41 ms, leading to a total sequence duration of 500 ms per k-line. This sequence allows for classical Cartesian acquisition through establishing a stationary steady-state, where the whole sequence is repeated without delay but different imaging gradients4. The pulse sequence diagram of the proposed sequence is shown in Figure 1.
The bSSFP-nature of the presented sequence together with the variation of repetition times lead to high discriminatory power with respect to B0 and B1+ (correlation < .995), but lower ability to discriminate T1 and T2 (correlation >.999) (see Figure 2). Thus, in order to correctly resolve T1 and T2 variations, fine resolution dictionaries for B0 and B1+ need to be simulated. The dictionary is generated in a two-step process. First, a subspace spanned by B0 and B1+ is simulated, while T1 and T2 are fixed. This dictionary is grouped into subgroups using the greedy grouping approach6,7. In a second step, these sub-dictionaries are extended by simulating the respective T1 and T2 dimensions. In this way, efficient grouping can be realized without the need to perform full-dictionary comparisons.
The sequence was implemented on a 1.5 T Philips Achieva system and data was acquired using an 8-channel head coil. Full head coverage was achieved using non-selective excitation and phase encoding along both phase and slice directions with an elliptical shutter and 1.3-fold slice oversampling. The FOV was 240x225x150 mm3, with an acquisition matrix size of 80x75x25 and 3x3x6 mm3 resolution and no parallel imaging (scan duration: 11 min). Reconstruction was performed within 11 minutes using MATLAB on a workstation with twelve cores (2.4 GHz) and a dictionary of 250M entries.
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