Alexandre Triay Bagur1, Chloe Hutton1, Benjamin Irving1, Michael L. Gyngell1, Matthew D. Robson1, and Michael Brady1
1Perspectum Diagnostics Ltd, Oxford, United Kingdom
Complex-based MRI chemical-shift encoded water-fat separation depends on
accurate field map convergence, which is often mitigated with spatial regularization.
This is prone to error propagation and over-smoothing of fat-fraction maps. Magnitude-based
separation circumvents field mapping but is reportedly limited in fat-fraction range
(0-50%). We have recently presented MAGO,
a magnitude-based method that resolves this water-fat ambiguity. In this study,
we compare MAGO to state-of-the-art fat-fraction
quantification on N=150 volunteers, and we expand the method for field map calculation
using previously estimated water and fat images. MAGO is comparable to regularized hybrid-based decomposition and
shows promise in higher field inhomogeneity regimes.
Chemical-shift encoded (CSE) water-fat separation MRI methods have emerged
as non-invasive tools for proton density fat fraction (PDFF) quantification in
the liver. Most advanced CSE methods (e.g. IDEAL1)
are complex-based, in that they need both magnitude and phase images, and estimate
PDFF indirectly through iterative optimization of the “field map”. However, erroneous field map convergence leads to fat-water swap artefacts
in the PDFF map. Spatial regularization is often used but smoothness assumptions
and sensitivity to initial seed pixels may lead to over-smoothed or incorrect PDFF
values2. CSE methods that use only magnitude images have also been proposed3.
These do not require field map estimation and optimize PDFF directly, but remain
prone to water-fat ambiguity and are reportedly limited to a dynamic range of 0
to 50% PDFF. We have recently developed MAGO,
a magnitude-based method that estimates PDFF over the entire range and has
shown excellent accuracy and reproducibility in phantoms across manufacturers
and clinical field strengths4. Although not required for MAGO, field map estimation can be useful
to assess image quality. In this study, we extend MAGO to estimate the field map from complex data after magnitude-based
PDFF calculation. We compare
PDFF and field map values to those calculated using implementations of the Hybrid IDEAL algorithm5.METHODS
The MAGO algorithm uses the phase-constrained
signal model where ϕW(x)=ϕF(x)=ϕ(x)6:
Water w(x), fat f(x) and R∗2(x) are estimated directly at each pixel
x from magnitude images using multi-peak fat modelling and multipoint search
coupled to non-linear optimization (ITK LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer). Two separate
runs of the algorithm at each voxel suffice to ensure correct convergence
(initial conditions {ρW,ρF,R∗2}1={1000,0,50} and {ρW,ρF,R∗2}2={0,1000,50}). At each pixel independently, the converged parameters with lower
associated residual sum of squares are chosen. Field map ψ(x) and phase offset ϕ(x) can then be estimated given w(x), f(x) and R∗2(x) using the full complex-valued data (Matlab lsqcurvefit, ψ0=ϕ0=0 for all pixels) and the reduced expression
PDFF and field maps were calculated on N=150 UK Biobank7 volunteers (Siemens 1.5T, single-slice
six-echo 2D spoiled gradient echo protocol, TE1=1.2 ms, ΔTE≈2 ms, 5° flip angle) with MAGO and
with two implementations of the Hybrid IDEAL algorithm5, one
pixel-independent (“IDEAL”, ψ0=0 for all pixels), the other with spatial regularization (“RG-IDEAL”, includes an initial region
growing step from Yu et al., 20052). One case was discarded due to poor positioning. Median hepatic PDFF and
field map values from all three methods were extracted using automatic liver segmentation
masks8 and compared for absolute agreement
with Bland-Altman analyses (mean ± 95% CI).
Figure 1 illustrates the intermediate results of the MAGO algorithm, showing how it finds the
correct solution at each pixel independently. Bland-Altman comparisons in
Figure 2 show good PDFF agreement between MAGO
and pixel-independent IDEAL (−0.02±0.23) %, but poorer agreement for
median field map values (−0.90±5.56) Hz. Excellent agreement was
observed between MAGO and RG-IDEAL both in median PDFF (−0.02±0.11) % and median field map
values (−0.38±0.90) Hz. Figure 3 illustrates the convergence
of the pixel-independent implementations in regions of high field inhomogeneity.
For field map values outside the liver and with an associated PDFF>60%, a
mapping was empirically found between MAGO
and IDEAL/RG-IDEAL (ψ(x)IDEAL=ψ(x)MAGO−0.59∗PDFF(x)MAGO in those pixels), attributed to differences between the IDEAL formulation1 and the phase constrained model6.DISCUSSION
Pixel-independent MAGO PDFF
and field map calculation showed comparable performance to a regularized state-of-the-art
method on UK Biobank data, which generally consists of well-shimmed single-slice
acquisitions. Figure 4 includes a comparison on a peripheral slice from another
study (Siemens 1.5T) where Hybrid IDEAL
suffered from a full-liver swap; this shows the potential of the MAGO approach in more challenging cases
with higher field variation. Future work will aim to validate this approach in 3T acquisitions, notably under bipolar readouts, and explore field map regularization, e.g.
^ψ(x)=arg min∑x|s(x)−ˆs(x)|2+λ⋅reg(ψ)
ˆs(x) is the
estimated signal,
λ a Lagrange multiplier and
reg(⋅) a suitable regularizer. We may initially follow a region
growing approach for comparison, but regularizers
that respect tissue boundaries are of particular interest, including anisotropic
diffusion (total variation) or Markov measure fields.
Our results suggest that MAGO
can robustly estimate PDFF from magnitude data and then use it to estimate a field
map from complex data. This approach for water-fat separation may be more
robust and widely applicable than complex- and hybrid-based approaches, which estimate
the field map first and therefore rely on the availability and reliability of
phase images and assumptions that propagate errors to the PDFF map.Acknowledgements
This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank Resource under application 9914 and
access to these data was facilitated by Steve Garratt, UK Biobank, Stockport, UK and Jimmy Bell,
University of Westminster, London, UK.References
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