Dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) MRI is an important clinical imaging tool to characterize hepatic tumors. Especially in combination with PET imaging data, it has been shown to improve diagnostic confidence compared to PET/CT. Nevertheless, respiratory motion is still challenging, requiring multiple breathholds and leading to low scan efficiencies for PET and MR. Here we present a motion-corrected simultaneous DCE-MRI/PET approach which enables imaging with 100% scan efficiency using all data, to improve PET quantification and accurate alignment between both modalities. The proposed technique was evaluated in three patients with hepatic lesions showing an increased contrast-to-noise-ratio of PET tracer uptake by more than 80%.
Dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) MRI is an important clinical imaging tool to characterize hepatic tumors1. Using both MR and PET image information obtained with simultaneous PET/MR has been shown to increase the diagnostic confidence both for benign and malignant liver lesions compared to PET/CT2. One of the main challenges both for MR and PET is the respiratory motion of the liver. Juin et al. have demonstrated that motion fields obtained from a motion-compensated DCE-MR reconstruction can be used to improve the simultaneously acquired PET data for liver applications3. Although this approach demonstrated an improvement in PET uptake values, it provided DCE-MR images with relatively low slice resolution (4.6mm) and low temporal resolution (~20s).
Here we utilize a 3D DCE-MR acquisition which provides motion corrected 3D DCE-MR images with a spatial resolution of 1.5mm3 isotropic and a temporal resolution of 6s4. The proposed scheme allows for motion corrected image reconstruction of simultaneously acquired PET data to improve accuracy of tracer quantification in lesions.
Data acquisition: 3D MR data acquisition was carried out with a Golden Radial Phase Encoding (GRPE) trajectory (FOV: 280mm3, 1.5mm3 image resolution, TR/TE/FA: 3.3ms/1.4ms/12°, partial Fourier encoding, fat suppression)5. PET and MR data was obtained continuously over 5min. Gadolinium-based contrast agent (Gadoxetate disodium) was injected after approximately 1min of scan time (0.1 mmol/kg). Figure 1 gives an overview of the proposed approach.
Patient population: Three patients were scanned on a simultaneous PET-MR scanner (Biograph mMR, Siemens Healthcare) for staging or restaging of neuroendocrine tumors (NET) 112±20min after injection of 158±17MBq of GA68-DOTATOC (1 female, age: 62±5years, weight: 90±7kg).
Image reconstruction: In a first step, a respiratory self-navigator was obtained from the GRPE data6. Based on this signal, the data was split into eight respiratory phases. An iterative non-Cartesian SENSE reconstruction with temporal and spatial regularization was used to reconstruct eight 3D data sets describing the different respiratory motion states7. 3D non-rigid motion fields were obtained with a spline-based image registration method8. In a second step, these motion fields were included in a motion corrected self-regularized kt-SENSE9 reconstruction to obtain 48 3D dynamic DCE-MR images. For the PET image reconstruction, a 3D OSEM algorithm was used (23 subsets, 3 full iterations)10 and images with a resolution of 2mm3 and 127x344x344 voxels were reconstructed. The MR-based motion fields were transformed to the PET orientation and resolution and included in a motion corrected PET reconstruction to minimize respiratory motion artefacts11. Attenuation correction (AC) maps were also adapted to the different respiratory breathing phases to ensure accurate alignment between PET emission data and AC values. Randoms and scatter correction was carried out separately for each motion state.
Evaluation: We compared the contrast-to-noise (CNR) ratio of multiple lesions measured in the PET data with and without respiratory motion correction.
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