The differentiation of recurrent tumor from radiation necrosis after radiation therapy remains often challenging in patients with brain tumor despite various advanced MR imaging techniques. The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of hyperpolarized 13C metabolic imaging in differentiating brain tumor from radiation necrosis. The lactate signal in radiation necrosis model was significantly lower than that in glioma and lung cancer metastasis. This suggests that the non-invasive characterization of real-time metabolism using this new neuroimaging method may be helpful for differentiating radiation-induced necrosis from recurrent brain tumors.
Conventional MRI exhibited typical radiographic features of radiation necrosis and brain tumor: MRI characteristics on conventional T2-weighted and Gd-enhanced T1-weighted images demonstrated typical radiographic findings from radiation necrosis and brain tumor models. The irradiated mice developed large lesions that had high Gd enhancement on post-contrast T1-weighted images and were heterogeneous on the T2-weighted images (top row in Fig 1). Similarly, the GL261 glioma exhibited Gd-enhancement on the T1-images and hyperintensity on T2-images (middle row in Fig 1). The LLC metastasis models showed relatively heterogeneous levels of enhancing and hyperintense lesions (bottom row in Fig 1).
HP 13C MRSI indicated that radiation-induced necrotic tissue and brain tumors had distinct metabolic characteristics: The last columns in Figure 1 show the map of lactate normalized by vascular total carbon signal for the radiation necrosis, GL261 glioma and LLC metastasis models. They revealed a distinctive metabolic profile between radiation-induced and brain tumor tissue. The blue, red and orange arrows in Figure 1 indicate contrast-enhancing lesions for the radiation injury, GL261 glioma and LLC metastasis models, respectively. HP 13C MR metabolic imaging date showed that Lac/Pyr in radiation-induced injury was significantly lower than that in mouse glioma (0.18 versus 0.55, p<0.0001) and LLC metastatic tissue (0.18 versus 0.46, p<0.00001) (Fig 2). nLac in radiation necrosis models was also significantly lower than that in GL261 glioma (0.10 versus 0.26, p<0.01) and LLC metastasis model (0.10 versus 0.25, p<0.0001). There was no significant difference in nPyr between the radiation-induced injury and either GL261 glioma or LLC metastasis models (p>0.05), implying that the amount of pyruvate taken up by the three types of tissue were similar (Fig.2).
Histological analysis demonstrated distinct characteristics between the radiation-induced necrosis and brain tumors: Figure 3 is examples of H&E slides from radiation necrosis (Fig 3a), GL261 glioma (Fig 3b) and LLC (Fig 3c) models. In contrast to the radiation-induced necrotic tissue, both tumor models showed a high cell density, which is one of the characteristics of cancer. The increased level of cellularity in these tumors were consistent with the high level of Lac/Pyr and nLac observed in hyperpolarized 13C metabolic imaging data (Fig 2).
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