Keshav Datta1,2 and Daniel Mark Spielman1,2
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Adequate suppression of water signal is vital in detecting
low concentration metabolites in in-vivo proton spectroscopy acquisitions. This
problem, which is exacerbated in the presence of multiplicative noise induced
by physiological motion, is not addressed by current water and lipid saturation-based
approaches. Here we use a time series modeling approach and show that signal
estimation techniques are extremely effective in suppressing the highly
correlated physiological noise component to achieve over three orders of
magnitude in-vivo water suppression.
Several proton spectroscopic editing techniques rely on the
differences of successive frames to eliminate the baseline water signal, in
order to detect a low concentration metabolite. Despite the inclusion of saturation
pulses to suppress water (e.g. CHESS1), the presence of respiratory
and cardiac motion noise can result in insufficiently cancelled water signals,
severely limiting the reliable detection of the metabolites of interest. One
application requiring robust water suppression stems from the recent interest
in the use of polarization transfer techniques to enhance the 1H lactate
signal from a hyperpolarized [2-13C]Pyruvate experiment2.
The presence of a large water signal overlapping the methine lactate doublet at
4.6ppm poses a serious challenge in the practical use of this method. Here we
model the temporal evolution of the spectrum as a time-series for each spectral
point and use classical estimation techniques to predict baseline water signal.
We compare different curve fitting techniques and show that an auto-regressive
model best predicts the signal in the presence of correlated multiplicative
noise, resulting in significantly improved water suppression. Methods
A Free-Induction-Decay (FID)
sequence preceded by three 1000Hz CHESS water saturation preparation pulses1
was used to acquire dynamic data (TR= 1s) from either brain or kidney of a 450g
male Wistar rat using a custom built 1H transmit-receive birdcage
coil in a 3T PET/MR scanner (Signa, General Electric) for a total acquisition
time of 300s. Each of the 300 temporal frames was reconstructed by applying a 1024-point Fast Fourier transform (FFT) to obtain a 5000Hz proton spectrum
centered at the water resonance. To test the effectiveness of the water signal
estimation method, every third frame was set to zero. This 300x1024 data set was
then modeled as a time series for each spectral point, and the missing frames were
reconstructed using linear interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, and
auto-regressive modeling along the temporal dimension. The estimated water
signal was then subtracted from the original frame to suppress water.
To test the efficiency of water
suppression in the context of Lactate detection from polarization transfer
experiment (reverse-INEPT2), a 100mM [2-13C]Lactate phantom was
strapped to the back of a male Wistar rat (522g) and proton spectrum from a
30mm slice covering the kidney (including the phantom) was acquired as
described previously using a custom built 1H/13C
dual-tuned birdcage T/R coil. Two 900, 500us pulses spaced
1/2J=3.5ms apart, and 900 phase difference, were played on the
carbon channel just before the proton readout pulse starting 15th
frame, every 5th frame to transfer the polarization from the C2-carbon
to the coupled methine proton. The three time series analysis methods were used
to estimate water signal in the INEPT frames, and the transferred in-phase
lactate doublet was recovered by subtracting the measured spectrum from the
estimated one.
Results and Discussion
Time evolution of the proton spectrum acquired from a rat
head for different spectral indices demonstrates the underlying correlated modulation
due to physiological motion (Fig. 1). An auto-correlation based signal
estimation technique is more efficient in predicting this pattern compared to
linear and cubic interpolation as seen by the lower residue of water signal (Fig.
2). Utility of this water suppression method is demonstrated in Fig. 3
where the original water (SNR ~ 180,000) is almost completely eliminated. Fig.
4 shows the result of application of the proposed water suppression
technique in polarization transfer experiment for Lactate detection. Here, signal from water and fat is eliminated
to detect the in-phase methine doublet transferred from the coupled carbon,
demonstrating the utility of this method in suppressing broadband background
We propose a water suppression technique based on time
series analysis that provides over three orders of magnitude of water signal
reduction. We show that with this method a low concentration metabolite
(methine lactate doublet) can be recovered from under a massive water peak. In
general, this method can be applied for reconstruction of metabolite signals
from a series of differential acquisitions.Acknowledgements
The Lucas
Foundation, GE Healthcare, and NIH grants R01 CA17683603, R01 EB01901802, R01
MH110683, and P41 EB01589121. References
1. Haase A, Frahm J, Hänicke W, Matthaei D. 1H NMR chemical shift selective (CHESS) imaging. Phys Med Biol. 1985 Apr; 30(4):341-4.
2. von Morze C, Reed GD, Larson PE, et al. In vivo hyperpolarization transfer in a clinical MRI scanner. Magn Reson Med. 2018;80:480–487.