Multiparametric statistical quantification of the heterogeneity of free Na+ concentration by 19F NMR spectroscopy
Norbert W Lutz1 and Monique Bernard1

1CRMBM, Aix Marseille University, Marseille, France


Sodium(I) (Na+) plays a key role in basic cell function. Noninvasive methods for measuring intracellular Na+ concentrations ([Na+]i) in biological tissue have been developed on the basis of 19F NMR spectroscopy. By contrast, 23Na MRI at most provides approximate (relative) contributions of intracellular Na+ to total 23Na by relying on a number of theoretical assumptions, as it does not detect Na+i selectively. Since [Na+]i values are often not uniform throughout a given tissue volume (or voxel), we have designed an approach for quantifying total [Na+]i heterogeneity by exploiting the lineshape of the 19F resonance of an appropriate [Na+]i reporter molecule.


The role of Na+ in cells ranges from the maintenance of electrolyte balance and the regulation of osmotic pressure to the generation of nerve impulses in neurons and cell signaling 1. Na+ is also crucial in metabolic cell functions, e.g., in Na+/K+-ATPase and many other enzymes. The mechanisms involved are complex, but are critically dependent on the intracellular concentration of free Na+ ([Na+]i). Therefore, methods for in-vivo measurement of [Na+]i in biological tissue have been proposed, e.g., MRS techniques based on chemical-shift effects of [Na+]i on the 19F MRS resonance of FCrown-1 2. However, these methods have not taken into consideration [Na+]i heterogeneity within a measured volume or voxel, nor have MRS methods based on chemical-shift reagents such as dysprosium 3 or thulium 4 complexes. 23Na MRI has been used to map Na+ concentration in vivo 5, but also neglects intravoxel [Na+] variations. Moreover, 23Na MRI does not detect intracellular 23Na selectively.

We suggest a new approach taking into account the total (microscopic plus macroscopic) [Na+]i heterogeneity of a given tissue volume. Our concept is based on the paradigm that the shape of a 19F MRS resonance whose chemical shift is determined by the concentration of free Na+ ions, directly reflects the statistical distribution of Na+ concentrations within the probed volume. Currently, our algorithms provide ≥ 8 quantitative statistical descriptors characterizing a measured distribution of Na+ concentration values: mean, median, standard deviation, range, skewness (asymmetry), kurtosis (pointedness), standard entropy and normalized entropy (smoothness). The algorithms employed are analogous to those previously introduced by us to analyze heterogeneity in Ca2+ concentration by 19F MRS 6. We provide here the proof of principle for our method by investigating the statistical properties of [Na+] distribution curves derived from modeled 19F MRS spectra of FCrown-1.


The relationship between the measured chemical shift, δmea, of the FCrown-1 19F MRS resonance and [Na+] is given by the equation shown in the equation box, in strict analogy with equations previously used for [Ca2+] 6. Using this equation, the digital points of the FCrown-1 19F MRS resonance are converted into digital points of a [Ca2+] distribution curve, and intensities are corrected for nonlinearity between the chemical-shift and concentration scales. This procedure was performed for multiple combinations of Gaussians or Lorentzians modeling unimodal, bimodal and trimodal resonance lines. From the resulting [Ca2+] profiles, the statistical descriptors listed in Introduction were extracted through our algorithms, with the aid of specially programmed EXCEL spreadsheets.

Results and Discussion

First, the algorithms of our method were validated for a series of modeled bimodal [Na+] distributions (Fig. 1). Expectedly, the increasing weight of the high-concentration mode in Figure 1 is reflected in increasing mean and median values, but also in decreasing skewness values, as the distribution increasingly turned from right-skewed to left-skewed (Table 1 top, from left to right; see also Figure 2 for selected descriptors). The transition toward a more unimodal distribution is also reflected in progressively decreasing range and standard deviation. As anticipated, kurtosis increased as the overall [Na+] distribution curve approached a more unimodal shape. The trend toward increasing dominance of a single mode caused entropy to decrease accordingly.

Since the two modes were rather well resolved despite their partial overlap, modes 1 and 2 remained almost completely constant. For the same reason, peak area ratios were close to theoretical values derived from the underlying peak intensities, i1:i2 (straight line in second panel of Fig. 2). However, peak height ratios necessarily deviated from this straight line, due to the nonlinearity of the relationship between the chemical-shift and concentration scales.

Quantitative effects of deconvolution on statistical [Na+] distribution descriptors can best be analyzed by comparing descriptor values of a well-defined distribution curve before (moderate) deconvolution (Fig. 1 c; Table 1 top, column "Gauss 1:4") with the same distribution curve after deconvolution (Fig. 3 a; Table 1 bottom, column "Gauss 1:4 decon"). Range and standard deviation decreased due to the line narrowing effect of the deconvolution procedure. However, since the two modes were relatively well resolved even before deconvolution, deconvolution only generated minor changes for the other distribution descriptor values.

Nonetheless, skewness values clearly became more negative upon deconvolution, which is a consequence of the more marked left skew. In Figure 3 b, mode areas are plotted for the calculation of height and area ratios for our trimodal Lorentzian-based [Na+] distribution (Fig. 1 d; Table 1 bottom, column "Lorentz 1:1:1").


The first concept for quantitating the distribution statistics of intracellular Na+ concentration in heterogeneous environments, through 19F MRS, has been validated in silico based on experimental parameters. Future in-vitro and in-vivo validations are likely to establish this technique complementary to 23Na imaging.


Support from CNRS (UMR 7339) is gratefully acknowledged.


1. H.R. Pohl, J.S. Wheeler, H.E. Murray, Sodium and potassium in health and disease, Met. Ions Life Sci. 13 (2013) 29–47. 2. G.A. Smith, H.L. Kirschenlohr, B.W. Metcalfe, S.D. Clarke, A new 19F NMR indicator for intracellular sodium, J Chem Soc Perkin Trans. 2 (1993) 1205–1209. 3. K. Imahashi, R.E. London, C. Steenbergen, E. Murphy, Male/female differences in intracellular Na+ regulation during ischemia/reperfusion in mouse heart, J Mol Cell Cardiol. 37 (2004) 747–753. 4. L.L. Hansen, J. Rasmussen, E. Friche, J.W. Jaroszewski, Method for determination of intracellular sodium in perfused cancer cells by 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Anal Biochem. 214 (1993) 508–510. 5. G. Madelin, R. Kline, R. Walvick, R.R. Regatte, A method for estimating intracellular sodium concentration and extracellular volume fraction in brain in vivo using sodium magnetic resonance imaging, Sci. Rep. 4 (2014) 4763. 6. N.W. Lutz, M. Bernard, Multiparametric quantification of the heterogeneity of free Ca2+ concentration by 19F MR spectroscopy, J Magn Reson 297 (2018) 96–107.


Equation for conversion of chemical shift-to-Na+ concentration for the FCrown-1 19F NMR resonance. KdNaCro, dissociation constant of the complex between Na+ and the ligand, FCrown-1; [Cro]f, concentration of free (uncomplexed) FCrown-1; [Cro]tot, total concentration of FCrown-1 (free and complexed with Na+); δmea, measured 19F chemical shift; δCro, 19F chemical shift for free (uncomplexed) FCrown-1; δNaCro, 19F chemical shift for FCrown-1 complexed with Na+. Experimentally determined KdNaCro, δCro and δNaCro values have been published previously 2. They may vary slightly between different biological tissues as a function of intracellular parameters such as pH and ionic strength, and are, therefore, dependent on suitable calibration.

Figure 1. Bimodal [Na+] distributions (top diagrams in panels a to d), and associated areas integrated for calculation of relative area ratios (bottom diagrams). All distributions were generated based on simulated Gaussian FCrown-1 19F MRS resonances with a linewidth corresponding to 0.35 ppm. The amplitude ratios for the resonances underlying modes 1 and 2 were systematically varied; mode 1 : mode 2 = 1:1 (a), 1:2 (b), 1:4 (c), and 1:8 (d).

Figure 2. Changes in statistical descriptors of simulated bimodal [Na+] distributions with increasing mode 1 contributions, based on distribution profiles from Figure 1 a to d (see also Table 1 for numerical results).

Figure 3. Panel a, top diagram: Bimodal [Na+] distribution from Fig. 1 c, upon deconvolution of the underlying 19F MRS spectrum with a Gaussian function of a linewidth corresponding to 0.15 ppm; panel a, bottom diagram: associated areas integrated for calculation of relative area ratios; panel b: integrated areas for calculation of relative area ratios, associated with a trimodal Lorentzian [Na+] distribution. See Table 1 for numerical values of the associated statistical descriptors.

Table 1. 'Gauss': based on in-silico models of Gaussian 19F MR resonances. 'Lorentz': based on in-silico models of Lorentzian 19F MR resonances. Ratios refer to relative amplitudes of the simulated 19F MR resonances, yielding modes 1 and 2 (and, for selected simulations, mode 3) of [Na+] distribution profiles after chemical shift-to-[Na+] conversion. 'decon' refers to deconvolution of the 19F MR spectrum with a simulated Gaussian spectral line (linewidth: 0.15 ppm). *: estimated value (mode hardly discernable).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)