Parallel imaging with multi-channel
receivers provides flexible acceleration of scan duration and is an important tool
in both clinical and research settings. The application of parallel imaging to hyperpolarized 129Xe
MRI may be useful in improving the clinical utility of parametric gas exchange
mapping by reducing breath-hold durations or allowing for the acquisition of
additional temporal/spatial information. In this work, we investigate the
effect of k-space calibration data on parallel imaging reconstruction of
time-resolved measurements of hyperpolarized 129Xe uptake using
spiral-IDEAL and quantify resultant changes in the estimation of lung
The solubility of xenon in
biological tissues such as the lung parenchyma/blood plasma (T/P) and red blood
cells (RBCs) and compartmentally-dependent changes in chemical shift allow for
the investigation of gas exchange dysfunction using hyperpolarized (HP) 129Xe
MRI1. Time-resolved measurements of 129Xe
uptake may be used to model important alveolar structure/physiology, however
this has typically been limited to global spectroscopic analysis due to the
inherent challenges associated with the low signal of dissolved 129Xe2–5. Recently,
methods employing time-resolved imaging of dissolved 129Xe uptake
have been explored6–9, including approaches such as spiral-IDEAL10,11. Unfortunately, repeated imaging weighted to the
uptake of 129Xe typically requires lengthy acquisitions which are of
particular concern due to clinical breath-hold constraints (<16s).
Acceleration with parallel imaging may be useful in addressing these concerns for
clinical application9. In this study we explore the effect of k-space
calibration data on accelerated image quality and associated quantitative
metrics extracted from these images using compartmental modeling of gas
For this proof-of-concept study, a
healthy adult volunteer was imaged with approval of the Research Ethics Board
at The Hospital for Sick Children. Experiments were performed on a clinical 3T
scanner (Skyra, Siemens GmbH, Erlangen, Germany) using an elliptical birdcage transmit
coil with a flexible 8-channel receive array (Rapid Biomedical, Rimpar,
Germany). Subjects were imaged with a custom spiral-IDEAL sequence for gas
exchange-weighting with five gas exchange delay times (15ms, 25ms, 50ms, 100ms, 200ms) as previously described9 (FOV=48×48cm2, matrix=32×32, BW=100kHz,
Nshot=6, ΔTE=230μs, Tacq=11s). Enriched
(~86%) 129Xe was polarized to ~10% (Model 9800, Polarean, Durham,
NC). For acceleration, the sequence was modified to prospectively remove every
second interleaf shortening the acquisition to 6s and imaged with a separate
dose of 129Xe.
was performed in MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA). Spectrally-resolved images were
processed and normalized as previously described9. The Model of Xenon Exchange (MOXE)2 was used to model xenon uptake on parametric basis yielding
gas exchange parameter maps as described previously9,12. Accelerated data were reconstructed using the
iterative self-consistent parallel imaging reconstruction for arbitrary k-space
(SPIRiT)13. A 30×30 region of gas-phase k-space was used for
calibration. Calibration data from both the fully-sampled and undersampled gas
images were used to compare the effect of calibration on SPIRiT reconstruction
and subsequent MOXE parameters. The SPIRiT kernel size was 7×7 for image-space
reconstruction. Results
Fig.1 shows reconstructed
spiral-IDEAL images. Image-wide physiological estimates extracted using MOXE
are shown in Table 1. Parametric maps of MOXE parameters are shown in Fig. 2.
T/P and RBC R2 are observed to be reduced after acceleration using
both sets of calibration data, leading to large relative differences compared
to full-sampled MOXE maps (Fig. 3).Discussion
This study demonstrates the
feasibility of accelerating time-resolved spiral-IDEAL analysis of gas exchange
for parametric mapping of important lung physiology. However, accelerated MOXE
maps with autocalibration exhibit reduced R2 and somewhat large
relative differences compared to fully-sampled data. This is presumably caused
by the reduced SNR due to undersampling. In this work we explored the effect of
using more robust calibration data from the centre of the fully-sampled data set
to aid in the parallel imaging reconstruction. At this time, we observed a
modest improvement in spiral-IDEAL image quality (Fig. 1d), although the
inclusion of calibration data from the fully-sampled data did not appreciably change
the MOXE parameter estimation compared to undersampled autocalibration data. It
is possible that with the current modest achievable signal intensities and
limited data acquired per image, the SPIRiT reconstruction only yields minimal
improvements with more robust calibration data. Therefore perhaps 2×
undersampling for this particular sequence design is pushing SPIRiT to the
limit of recoverable image quality. With further optimizations, such as
increased polarization or a decreased undersampling factor, the relative differences
between fully-sampled and accelerated data should be reduced. In future, reduced scan durations provided by
acceleration may be useful for patients having difficulty complying with
breath-hold constraints. Alternatively, the reduced scan time (and HP
magnetization depletion) may be traded to acquire more data (i.e. additional
gas exchange timepoints or volumetric information). Nevertheless, more testing
in an increased number of participants is required to fully understand the
effect of acceleration on gas exchange modelling. Conclusion
Application of fully-calibrated parallel imaging reconstruction to accelerate time-resolved MRI of dissolved HP 129Xe uptake is feasible and yielding modest improvements in image SNR. Fully calibration does not appear to change quantitative gas exchange metrics extracted from spiral-IDEAL data, compared to autocalibration. This approach has potential moving forward to reduce the acquisition times of gas exchange mapping, thereby improving clinical utility. Acknowledgements
Work supported by NSERC (RGPIN
217015-2013) and CIHR (MOP 123431). Special thanks to Nikhil Kanhere, Elaine
Stirrat, Marcus Couch, Andras Lindenmaier, Yonni Friedlander, Rosie Lye, and
Manoj Singh for assistance with imaging experiments. B.Z supported by a
Research Training Competition (RESTRACOMP) award from The Hospital for Sick
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