Nicole Wake1, Carlotta Ianniello1, Ryan Brown1, Jerzy Walczyk1, Linda Moy1, Christopher M. Collins1, and Henry Rusinek1
1Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging and CAI2R, NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, United States
Presented here is the design of a 3D printed anthropomorphic breast
phantom that includes the key breast tissue compartments
which can be filled with desired tissue-mimicking fluids. The breast phantom can be used for validating MRI, coil
development, safety evaluation and pulse sequence evaluation.
well-known means for validating MRI acquisition and analysis techniques is
through the use of physical phantoms, i.e. objects of known geometries and/or
composition. A number of MRI phantoms
are commercially available; however, these phantoms tend to be costly and
feature simplified geometries [1-3]. Many
applications may require customizable and anatomically realistic configurations,
which may be achievable using three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies [4]. The purpose of this study was to assess the
feasibility of manufacturing an anatomically accurate 3D printed anthropomorphic
breast phantom that includes the key breast tissue compartments.Methods:
Fat and fibroglandular tissue (FGT) were segmented from MRI
data and 3D volumes were created and hollowed with a
7 mm external wall thickness for the fat and 3 mm thickness for the FGT (Mimics
21.0 and 3-matic 13, Materialise, Leuven, Belgium), (Figure 1). A base was designed
with an engraving to align the FGT with the other compartments that were also
fitted with individual fill ports. Each part
was 3D printed with a 0.178 mm layer thickness (Fortus
360mc, Stratasys, Eden Prairie, MN) and sealed (Figure 2); and the components were assembled. To mimic the dielectric properties of human breast
tissue, the fatty compartment was filled with peanut oil (σ =0.1 S/m, εr =7.4) and the FGT compartment was filled with a
polyvinylpyrrolidone-based phantom material (σ =0.3 S/m, εr =45) [5,6]. MR
images of the 3D printed phantom were acquired on a 7T system (Magnetom, Siemens,
Erlangen, Germany) using a Siemens 7.0T Tim Head Coil (Invivo Corp., Pewaukee,
WI). A 3D volumetric sequence with a spatial resolution of 1.1 mm x 0.7 mm x
0.7 mm was used, with the following imaging parameters: FA =10˚, TR = 7.61 ms,
TE 2.00 ms, Averages =7. The fatty and
FGT compartments visualized in the phantom model were segmented in Mimics 21.0,
the segmented volumes were compared to those obtained from the original MRI
data, and the DICE similarity coefficient (DSC) was calculated.Results
3D printed phantom was successfully configured and no leaks were observed. Figure
3 shows MR images and corresponding 3D reconstructions of the 3D printed
breast phantom model. The 3D phantom demonstrated a good visual match to the
original 3D model. The volume of the segmented fat was 169,083 mm3
and 151,195 mm3 on
the original MRI images and 3D printed phantom images respectively (DSC = 0.94)
and the FGT volumes were 45,290 mm3 and 56,514 mm3 respectively (DSC = 0.89). Discussion and Conclusion
3D printing offers novel and versatile opportunities for generating
realistic distribution of human tissue. We have demonstrated the feasibility of
constructing an accurate breast phantom that mimics the complex FGT and fat
distribution in an individual patient. The phantom allows each compartment to
be filled with desired tissue-mimicking fluids. In general, MRI
phantoms may be used for routine quality assessment tests that are necessary to
allow for quantitative imaging, e.g. diffusion weighted imaging, MR
spectroscopy, especially in multicenter studies across different vendors and
magnetic field strengths. The
3D printed breast phantom presented here can
be used for validating MRI, coil development, safety assessment, and pulse
sequence evaluation. As new 3D printing
technologies and materials emerge, we expect to be able to create highly
accurate 3D printed anthropomorphic phantoms with even more complex geometries.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the Center for
Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (, a NIBIB Biomedical
Technology Resource Center (NIH P41 EB017183).References
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