Structure-function relationships are central to our understanding of pulmonary disease and play an important role in evaluating novel therapies. Many chronic lung diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), have vascular abnormalities that are not accounted for in current image analysis platforms. Recent MRI developments provide complementary pulmonary vascular structural and functional information and include ultra-short echo time and Fourier-decomposition MRI. To facilitate clinical translation, we developed a comprehensive structure-function pipeline to visualize and measure pulmonary vascular vessel trees and perfusion for patients with severe asthma, a demanding clinical target.
Participants and Image Acquisition:
Participants with severe asthma provided written informed-consent to an approved protocol (NCT02351141). FDMRI was performed using a whole-body 3.0T Discovery MR750 system (General Electric Healthcare, USA) with a 32-channel chest coil. Patients were placed supine and 500 centre-slice coronal images were acquired during free-breathing using a balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) sequence (image acquisition time = 125s; repetition time/echo time/flip-angle = 1.9ms/0.6ms/15o; field-of-view = 40x40cm2; matrix = 256x256; slice thickness=15mm). UTE MRI was performed using a 3D cones-based UTE sequence.6 Patients were placed supine and coached to achieve breath-hold volumes of full inspiration, full expiration, functional residual capacity, and functional residual capacity plus 1L by inhalation of a 1L bag of N2. Coronal whole lung images were acquired using a UTE GEHC sequence (image acquisition time = 15s; repetition time/echo time/flip-angle = 3.5ms/0.03ms/58o; field-of-view = 40x40cm2; matrix = 200x200; slice thickness=10mm). B1 field mapping was performed using a dual angle 3D Look-Locker pulse sequence (acquisition time = 40s; repetition time/echo time = 1200ms/0.3ms; α/2α = 5o/10o; field-of-view=48x48cm2; matrix = 32x32; slice thickness = 15mm) using the 3T GE phantom model 2360049 (GEHC).
Image Analysis:
Figure 1 outlines the pipeline components. Images were analyzed using an in-house post-processing pipeline utilizing MATLAB utilities (MATLAB R2018a; Mathworks, USA). The centre UTE slice was used as a reference to non-rigidly deform the FDMRI sequence using a deformable registration algorithm as previously described.7 From the UTE image, the lungs were segmented using a continuous max-flow algorithm7 to generate a lung mask. Vessels were enhanced by applying a Frangi vesselness filter8 followed by thresholding. The deformed FDMRI series was pixel-wise Fourier transformed to produce a power-spectrum image sequence of functional performance. The cardiac frequency was determined from the highest intensity peak above 0.3Hz in the power series. The UTE lung mask was applied to perfusion images, followed by application of a hierarchical k-means clustering algorithm, and finally calculation of perfusion defect percent (QDP) from the lowest cluster volume.
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2. Ash, S. Y. et al. Am J Respird Crit Care Med 198, 39-50 (2018).
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4. Johnson, K. M. et al. Magn Reson Med 70, 1241-1250 (2013).
5. Bauman, G. et al. Magn Reson Med 62, 656-664 (2009).
6. Sheikh, K. et al. J Magn Reson Imaging 45, 1204-1215 (2017).
7. Guo, F. et al. in SPIE Medical Imaging 2017. (eds Andrzej Krol & Barjor Gimi).
8. Frangi, A. F. et al. in MICCAI 1998. Vol. 1496 (eds A Colchester & SL Delp) 130-137 (Berlin, Germany, 1998).