MRI techniques like phase-resolved functional lung imaging (PREFUL) offer the possibility for pulmonary ventilation (V) / perfusion (Q) imaging without ionizing radiation or contrast agents. One major drawback of such methods is the long acquisition time, if a whole lung coverage is required. In this study, five healthy volunteers were scanned with a highly accelerated 2D multi-slice real-time PREFUL (RT-PREFUL) acquisition with compressed sensing and parallel imaging reconstruction to establish a V/Q scan of the whole lung in one minute. The comparison with conventional PREFUL technique showed very similar ventilation results and comparable perfusion results with 9-fold acceleration.
Acquisition: Five healthy volunteers (age 26-43 years) underwent 3T MRI (MAGNETOM Skyra, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) using a standard spine coil in combination with a 18-channel body coil. PREFUL and RT-PREFUL were used for a multi-slice 2D acquisition of the whole lung during free-breathing. For PREFUL, a spoiled gradient echo sequence with the following parameters was used to acquire 500 images for each slice: TE 0.83 ms, TR 1.93 ms, FA 4°, matrix 128 x 128, field of view 50 x 50 cm2, slice thickness 10 mm, bandwidth 1500 Hz / pixel, GRAPPA with acceleration factor 2, a temporal resolution of 123 ms and a total acquisition time of 62 s / slice. For RT-PREFUL, an ECG-gated pseudo-random Cartesian spoiled gradient echo prototype sequence (as described by Liu et al.5) with TR 2.3 ms, TE 1.05 ms, acceleration factor 9.1, temporal resolution 32 ms and otherwise identical parameters as PREFUL with online compressed sensing reconstruction was used. Each slice was acquired during one heartbeat with an average number of 30 cardiac phases depending on the heart rate. To capture different respiratory phases and ensure sufficient SNR, the measurement was repeated six times resulting in a total acquisition time of ~ 1 minute.
Post-Processing: For motion correction, non-rigid registration was performed using advanced normalization tools (ANTs)6,7. The PREFUL acquisitions were sorted to create one respiration and perfusion cycle as previously described3 to generate fractional ventilation (FV) and perfusion-weighted (Qw) phase-resolved maps. For RT-PREFUL, no additional perfusion sorting was necessary due to cardiac gating. The respiratory cycle was sorted according to diaphragm position. Since the steady state was not reached during the short acquisition, additional filtering using a lag-3 difference (order 1) operator was applied prior to Qw calculation. To avoid perfusion and transient-state effects, the FV calculation was only performed for measurements with equal cardiac phases.
Quantitative analysis: The lung parenchyma
was segmented as region of interest (ROI) by manual segmentation. For histogram
analysis, the lung parenchyma perfusion / ventilation values of all slices were
concatenated into one sample for each subject and normalized using the
respective 90% percentile. To compare the distribution similarity, the overlap
of the histograms was evaluated. Whole-lung median PREFUL and RT-PREFUL FV were
analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient.
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