In this study we present the first application of dual-echo CEST MRI technique in renal transplant recipients. Our goal was to optimize the CEST-MRI acquisition and analysis for kidney graft imaging at 3T, which remains technically challenging and volatile due to large B0 inhomogeneity and presence of fat. Strong lipid signals upfield from the water resonance may lead to erroneous CEST contrast. In this preliminary work we demonstrate that the combination of dual-echo CEST with Dixon provides effective fat signal removal, allowing for more accurate quantification of the CEST effects in the transplanted kidney.
Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for most patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD)1. A comprehensive assessment of the allograft renal function and management of post-transplant complications are crucial for graft survival. Numerous techniques, including measurement of biochemical markers, allograft biopsies and imaging modalities, are used clinically for monitoring changes in renal function2.
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging is a novel MRI contrast method that has been reported being useful for detecting low-concentration endogenous metabolites such as urea3 and creatine4 as well as for in vivo pH mapping5. A recent study in a rat model showed that the glucose-weighted CEST imaging (glucoCEST) may be a valuable tool for the assessment and follow up treatment of acute cellular renal allograft rejection (AR)6.
Here we investigate the feasibility of performing CEST imaging of the human kidney transplant in vivo on a clinical 3T MRI system. The primary focus was to optimize the CEST MRI acquisition for renal imaging, which remains technically challenging because of the presence of bulk fat in and around the kidney, large B0 inhomogeneity and physiological motion7. We obtained the effective fat separation using the modified bipolar two-point Dixon method (b-2pt Dixon)8. Respiratory motion artifacts have been reported to be negligible in renal allograft recipients, since the kidney graft is usually placed in the iliac fossa9.
Figure 1 displays the Z-spectra and MTRasym curves obtained for a single pixel denoted as a square marker on the reference non-Dixon (using the second echo) and Dixon image. In the water-only Z-spectrum, the signal from lipids at -3.5 ppm is effectively suppressed, producing positive MTRasym values at the amide frequencies. Moreover, the CEST-Dixon method leads to a smoother Z-spectrum and higher suppression level around the water resonance. This is consistent with previous results in7,11.
Figure 2 shows the color-coded magnetic transfer ratio asymmetry maps (MTRasym) at different frequency offsets: 1.5 ppm, 2.2 ppm and 3.5 ppm overlaid on the reference water-only image. Previous studies have identified urea as a major contributor to the kidney/urine chemical exchange at about 1.5 ppm3,12,13. The CEST effect at ca. 2.2 ppm downfield of the water signal may be assigned to the amino protons14, whereas the CEST peak at 3.5 corresponds possibly to the amide signals in proteins and peptides14. Nevertheless, further investigations are required in order to get a better understanding of the competing magnetization transfer (MT) effects in kidney.
The authors thank Erika Rädisch for her assistance in gathering the MRI scans.
The study was supported by a grant from the Forschungskomission of the Faculty of Medicine, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf (Grant No. 13/2015).
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