Characterization of B1 calibration curves with respect to durations for myo-Inositol CEST ( MICEST) in the healthy human brain at 7.0T
Deepa Thakuri1, Ravi Prakash Reddy Nanga1, Abigail T. J. Cember1, Dushyant Kumar1, Neil E. Wilson1, Hari Hariharan1, and Ravinder Reddy1

1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States


myo-Inositol (MI) is one of the important brain metabolites. In the recent years, MICEST technique has emerged as a neuroimaging biomarker and its application was shown in an Alzhemer’s mouse model. In this study, we tried to explore and evaluate the behavior of MICEST at different saturation parameters in healthy human volunteers at 7.0T with an aim to understand and set optimal saturation parameters for the human studies.


myo-Inositol (MI) is one of the human brain metabolites found in a large amount in the glial cells region (1). The glial cells proliferation and change in the concentration of MI serves as a bio-marker to detect many brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and brain tumors (2-4). Using chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) mechanism, MI OH-protons were exploited (5) and its application was shown in vivo in Alzheimer's mouse model at 9.4T (6). With the prevalence of ultra high field 7.0T MRI scanners, it has potential translation for in vivo clinical studies. Therefore, in this study, the behavior of MICEST to different saturation parameters has been evaluated in healthy human volunteers at 7.0T and the results are presented.


A healthy male volunteer aged ~ 38 years old was scanned in multiple sessions on different days at 7.0T using 32 channel head coil to collect data for different peak amplitudes and saturation durations. To get exactly the same slice position between different scanning sessions imscribe software (7) was used. MICEST was performed using Siemens turbo flash sequence using a saturation preparation segment followed by a turbo flash read out (8) on an axial slab superior to corpus callosum with the following parameters: number of slices = 12, slice thickness = 2mm, in-plane resolution = 1x1mm2, matrix size = 240x180, GRE readout TR/TE = 3.5/1.79ms, averages = 1, shot TR = 6000ms, dummy shots = 2, shots per slice = 3, PAT mode = GRAPPA, Acceleration factor PE = 2, Reference lines PE = 24, RF pulse type = Normal, Gradient mode = Fast, Excitation = Slab-selective, Turbo factor = 550, Bandwidth = 690 Hz/Px, Elliptical scanning = on, Reordering = combined slice and phase encode spiral, and a saturation pulse of B1rms = 0.36, 0.73, 1.09 and 1.82μT and with duration of 0.5, 1, and 3 seconds. CEST images were acquired at varying saturation offset frequencies from ±0 to ±5ppm (relative to the water resonance set to 0ppm) with a step-size of 0.2ppm. To compute B0 maps for correction of B0 field inhomogeneity, water saturation shift referencing (WASSR) images (9) were collected from ±0 to ±1.5ppm (step-size 0.15ppm) with a saturation pulse of B1rms = 0.29μT with 200ms duration and imaging parameters identical to those used for CEST as described above. For gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), and cerebrospinal fluid segmentation, MP2RAGE Siemens product sequence was used with the same spatial parameters as CEST. A relative B1 map was generated from three images obtained using square preparation pulses with flip-angles of 20°, 40° and 80°. The total acquisition time for the CEST images, and B0 and B1 field maps were ~60 min for each imaging session. Three imaging sessions were used to create the data presented here. B1 calibration curves for MICEST were generated using 2 ROIs drawn (1 in GM and 1 in WM) from slices 2 and 3. All post processing was done using in-house MATLAB codes as described previously (5). M0 normalization was used for MICEST contrast generation.

Results & Discussion

Calculated MICEST values for GM and WM ROIs from one slice are shown in Figure 1. The CEST contrast values obtained for GM and WM seem to be highest for 0.5s duration ( 6.4% and 7.5%) with saturation B1rms of 1.82μT used in this study. This is different from the previous MICEST study where a saturation duration of 5s and saturation B1rms of 1.09μT was used to provide MICEST contrast values of 4.4% for GM and 5.2% for WM. The B1 calibration curves (Figure 2) show that a third order polynomial function fits the observed CEST contrast very well for all durations. The saturation duration dependence of the B1 calibration coefficients for GM and WM as shown in Figure 3 suggests that WM coefficient sensitivity to duration is less in comparison to GM. While these preliminary results helps in characterizing the B1 calibration curves with respect to saturation durations used for MICEST, additional data from more volunteers needs to be studied.


This preliminary study provides guidance for setting optimum saturation parameters to be used for MICEST in human studies.


This project was supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering of the National Institute of Health under award number P41EB015893.


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Figure 1. MICEST contrast for all the saturation parameters used in this study with an anatomical image showing GM/WM ROIs overlayed on it.

Figure 2: B1 calibration curves for both GM and WM regions with the 3rd degree polynomial fit for all the three durations is shown above. The significant decrease in the MICEST contrast in the WM region (right) compared to the GM (left) and for the 3s duration compared to 0.5s and 1s durations. As B1 goes up irrespective of durations, no linear increase is seen in the B1 calibration curves in both GM and WM. Nominal B1 for the MICEST is 1.09 μT. Normalized B1 values = (Applied B1/Nominal B1)*Relative B1 from B1 map

Figure 3. The 3 B1 calibration coefficients values for both gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) with respect to durations: 0.5s, 1s, 3s. The significant difference in calibration coefficient value was seen for the shorter duration i.e. 0.5s but not much difference was seen for the longer durations: 1s and 3s. It suggests that WM coefficient sensitivity to duration is less in comparison to GM. In both GM and WM, 1st and 2nd order coefficients are positive while the 3rd order coefficients are negative.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)