Mark Schuppert1, Anagha Deshmane1, Kai Herz1, Klaus Scheffler1, and Moritz Zaiss1
1High-field magnetic resonance center, Max Planck Institute for biological cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany
Model-based extraction of features, e.g. Lorentzian
fitting of Z-spectra, in CEST MRI can be limited by the underlying model assumptions.
Here we analyzed high spectral resolution Z-spectra acquired at 9.4T in five
healthy subjects and one tumor patient using principal component analysis, a
purely data-driven statistical procedure. Projection of Z-spectra onto
principle components from a group of healthy subjects provides several relevant
contrasts which reveal anatomical detail and correlate with Gadolinium uptake
signatures in a brain tumor patient.
Ultra-high field strengths (UHF) improve the intrinsic
MRI signal in the human brain generated during chemical exchange saturation
transfer (CEST). With high spectral resolution CEST measurements at 9.4T, we
recently showed that known and novel CEST contrasts could be reproducibly
extracted by applying multi-Lorentzian fitting of the Z-spectrum [1]. Model-based methods,
such as Lorentzian fitting, are able to extract distinct features of the
Z-spectrum but are limited by underlying assumptions of the model. In this work
we show preliminary results of a data-driven approach of spectral feature
detection in densely sampled Z-spectra acquired at 9.4 T. Meaningful components
could be identified by their CEST contrast generation in healthy tissue and in
tumor areas.Methods and Materials
3D-snapshot-CEST imaging [2] was performed on a 9.4T whole-body MRI scanner (MAGNETOM, Siemens,
Erlangen, Germany) in five healthy volunteers and one brain tumor patient after
written informed consent. Z-spectra were acquired at three different nominal B1-values
= 1.2µT, 0.9µT, and 0.6µT (lowest B1 omitted during patient MRI due
to limited scan time). All Z-spectra (95 irradiation frequency offsets, 150
Gaussian-shaped RF pulses, 15ms pulse duration, 15ms pulse delay, 4.5sec
saturation time) were corrected for motion, B0 [3], and B1
further data analysis, the corrected Z-spectra of the five healthy volunteers
were concatenated and the mean Z-spectrum was removed from this dataset. For
the detection of common spectral features, principal component analysis (PCA)
was applied. Voxel Z-spectra from each volunteer
were subsequently projected onto the calculated principle components (PCs) to
identify spatial correlations. To find unique
spectral features related to pathology, the tumor patients’ Z-spectra were
projected onto the PCs previously determined from Z-spectra of healthy
subjects. We compared this data-driven approach with the established multi-Lorentzian
fitting approach.Results
In Fig. 1a the first six principal components
are exemplarily shown. With the exception of PC 1 (coarsely correlated to the
baseline of the Z-spectrum), most PCs reveal complex structure. It is
interesting to note that in PCs 3 to 5, strong contributions in the NOE
frequency range (around -3.5ppm) are observed. Simultaneously, contributions in
the APT frequency range (around +3.5ppm) of PCs 2 and 5 are observed; the other
PCs show almost no contribution here. Fig. 1b shows the corresponding coefficient
maps from the projection of voxel Z-spectra onto the PCs shown above. The first
five coefficient maps exhibit distinct contrast between grey and white matter. Similarity
to amplitude maps of the Lorentzian fitting approach (Fig. 1c) is noticeable.
All calculated PCs reveal interesting
spectral features. A selection of the first 18 coefficient maps in a
representative healthy volunteer is displayed in Fig. 2, depicting the vast
amount of different contrasts that can be obtained by such feature extraction.
Interestingly these features also show alteration in tumor areas as shown in
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. While the detailed analysis of all 18 maps is ongoing, in
Fig. 4, four selected coefficient maps (top row), clinical contrasts at 3T, and
the measured B1 map at 9.4T (bottom row) of the same patient are
shown. The calculated coefficient maps roughly correlate to the clinical
contrasts. The projection of the Z-spectra onto PC 9 reveals hyper-intensities
in the tumor area, which strongly correlate to regions of strongest gadolinium
uptake in the T1ce image. The coefficient map of PC 6 strongly correlates to
the measured B1 map.Discussion
PCA is a statistical procedure to extract
features, here spectral features of Z-spectra, from large high-dimensional datasets.
Given the high spatial (120x140x16 pixels) and spectral resolution (95
irradiation frequency offsets) of the 3D snapshot-CEST in association with UHF,
concatenated datasets consisting of ~370.000 Z-spectra in total were available
for statistical analysis. In combination with low-power saturation, the
resulting Z-spectra are feature-rich with isolated effects at several
resonances. The calculated PCs reveal combinations of features at various irradiation
frequency offsets which differentiate Z-spectra in each tissue type relative to
the mean Z-spectrum. This approach is orders of magnitudes faster than
Lorentzian fitting and extracts a multitude of additional spectral features
which we might be able to interpret, especially when discerning healthy tissues
from pathologies.Conclusion
feature analysis circumvents underlying assumptions in model-based approaches
and is, thus, favorable. Principal component analysis is one such data-driven
approach. The decomposition of Z-spectra into principal components and the
subsequent projection onto those principal components facilitates understanding
of contributions from combinations of resonances, rather than single resonances
as provided by Lorentzian fitting. Our preliminary findings suggest that
complementary and new features of Z-spectra correlated to normal and diseased tissues
can be found with PCA, forming the foundation for more sophisticated machine
learning approaches. Acknowledgements
Max Planck Society; German Research Foundation (DFG,
grant ZA 814/2-1, support to MS,KH); European Union Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 667510, support to MZ, AD).References
[1] Zaiss et al.,
Neuroimage (2018) 179:144-155
[2] Zaiss et al., NMB (2018) 31:e3879
[3] Schuenke et al., MRM (2017) 77(2):571-580
[4] Windschuh et al.,
NBM (2015) 28(5):529-37