Recent work has shown that commonly used methods to account for physiological noise and serial correlations in conventional fMRI are inadequate for fast (TR<500 ms) fMRI and may lead to incorrect inferences1. We created a model of physiological noise based on harmonic regression with autoregressive noise that utilizes the enhanced sampling of fast fMRI to estimate physiological noise directly from the fMRI data; therefore, it does not require physiological reference signals such as respiration. We found that our model performs as well as gold standard reference-based approaches in removing physiological noise and improves the detection of task-driven fMRI activity.
Technological advances in acquisition protocols have enabled an order of magnitude increase in the speed of fMRI measurements2–7. While this new, “fast” fMRI has enormous potential for neuroscientists, the scaling of physiological noise with the improved resolution of fast fMRI limits its applicability8,9. Commonly used pre-whitening and physiological noise regression techniques in conventional fMRI are insufficient to account for serial correlations in fast fMRI, which may lead to errors in interpretation of the fMRI signal1,10. Here we propose a statistical framework that can accurately detect physiological noise sources and separate them from the neurally-driven hemodynamic signal in fast fMRI. Importantly, our approach leverages the enhanced temporal resolution to sample physiological noise directly from the fMRI data, and obviates the need for physiological reference signals (e.g. respiratory belt), which can be technically challenging to collect.
In a simulated fast fMRI signal driven by a 0.1 Hz stimulus, HRAN was able to estimate and remove the added physiological noise (Fig 3A,B) and reduce the root mean squared error. In resting-state fast fMRI data, we found that the estimated physiological frequencies derived from the 4th ventricle accurately tracked the average heart rate and respiration rate obtained from the EKG and respiratory belt (Figure 3C,D). HRAN also satisfied goodness of fit criteria with model parameters determined using BIC (Figure 3E). At the single-voxel level, HRAN reduced autocorrelations in the residuals as effectively as RETROICOR (Figure 4A), with greatest impact in gray matter (Figure 4B,C). In a fast fMRI experiment with a 0.1 Hz visual stimulus, HRAN was able to estimate physiological frequencies from the lateral ventricle and improve detection of visually-driven voxels, as compared to standard FSL analysis (Figure 5A-C). For example, in one exemplar voxel, physiological noise modelling with HRAN reduced the residual variance by 56%, enabling detection with a voxel-wise corrected threshold of p < .05 (Figure 5D-F).
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