Identifying confounds in human brain functional connectomes: physiological and cognitive contributions
Phillip G. D. Ward1,2,3, Sharna D. Jamadar1,2,3, Stuart Oldham1, Aurina Arnatkeviciute1, and Gary F. Egan1,2,3

1Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences and School of Psychological Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2Monash Biomedical Imaging, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 3Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function, Australian Research Council, Melbourne, Australia


Inter-subject analysis of brain function using fMRI is hampered by physiological factors and the neurovascular origin of the semi-quantitative blood oxygenation level dependent signal. A common technique to address these issues is to compute the individual subject fMRI signal correlations between brain regions and compare the functional connectomes across subject groups. In this work, we examined the effect of physiological factors that can contaminate functional connectomes in a large cohort of healthy elderly people. To quantify the impact of the physiological variance we computed the physiological connectome and modelled its impact on the relationship between the functional connectome and cognitive performance.


The blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) effect is used to infer brain function from the haemodynamic response to neural activity. Each individual’s BOLD signal is dependent upon several physiological variables, including the concentration of red blood cell proteins (haemoglobin).1 Temporal dynamics from non-cerebral origins, e.g. heart-rate, can induce artefacts in derived measures of the BOLD signal.2 While physiological dynamics are commonly filtered, additional variance from static physiological factors may remain. In order to compare BOLD derived measures between individuals, network models are computed, e.g. functional connectomes (FCs). These approaches propose that temporal correlations represent neuronal coherence,3 and do not contain variance from temporally invariant physiological factors (e.g. haemoglobin). In this study, we examine whether comparisons between functional connectomes are confounded by physiological variance, and whether these confounds impact the relationship between functional connectomes and cognitive measures.


The study used data from 518 participants (age=73.8±3.5, 248 females) from the ASPREE-NEURO study,4 a sub-study of a clinical trial of aspirin in neurotypical adults aged 70 years and over.5 Here, data was acquired prior to the administration of study medication using a 3T Skyra MRI with a 32-channel head and neck coil (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). The fMRI protocol was an eyes-open resting-state multi-band EPI sequence (multiband factor=3, TE=21ms, TR=754ms, voxel=3.0mm isotropic, matrix 64×64, slices=42, TA=5.16mins). A T1-Weighted MPRAGE scan was acquired for registration (TE=2.13ms, TR=2300ms, TI=900ms, voxel=1.0mm isotropic, matrix=240x256x192, flip angle=9). Haemoglobin level was assessed as part of a full blood work up.

The fMRI data was pre-processed for geometry distortions, motion (MCFLIRT),6 brain extraction (BET),7 high-pass filtering (0.01 Hz), de-noising (FIX and MELODIC),8–10 and linearly registered to T1 (FLIRT).6,11 The T1 was non-linearly registered to MNI (FNIRT, http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk). A full description of the fMRI pre-processing can be found in a previous publication.12 The brain was parcellated into 82 regions (Desikan-Killiany atlas).13,14 Per-subject FCs were calculated using temporal correlations (Pearson) between each pair of regions as edge-weights.

To identify physiological residuals within the FCs, inter-subject correlations between FC edge-weights and haemoglobin level were estimated to infer a physiological connectome.

To quantify the impact of physiology on a functional interpretation of the connectome, a moderation model was tested. Recall rates on the Hopkins verbal learning test (HVLT)15 were correlated with each FC edge, with and without an interaction term (FC x haemoglobin). A permutation test was performed to estimate the likelihood of the observed change in functional correlation with and without this second term, i.e., the change in the correlation coefficient between HVLT and FC in the two models.

In all connectomes, the network-based statistic was used to assess the significance of effects at a level of 0.05.16


A physiological connectome with a large number of significant edges was identified (Figure 1). 806 (12%) of the possible connectome edges correlated with haemoglobin levels beyond a significance threshold. The distribution of the edges appeared to be widespread.

The moderation connectome is displayed in Figure 2, depicting correlations between task performance and the moderation term (FC x haemoglobin). 276 of the possible connections (4%) show a significant correlation, indicating that the relationship between the FC and task performance is indeed moderated by haemoglobin levels.

When accounting for the physiological contribution (Figure 3), 500 (7.4%) of the total connections in the brain are significantly different to those calculated using a direct task to FC model.


The identification of a physiological connectome provides the first evidence that even after filtering and de-noising the regional correlations between fMRI signals may be influenced by physiological factors. Co-variance between haemoglobin and edge-weights in this healthy aged cohort revealed a significant physiological contribution to functional connectome variability. Further, this contribution significantly altered the relationship between performance on the Hopkins verbal learning test and functional connectomes in healthy aged subjects. While it is plausible that inter-subject physiological variability may be an underlying factor that influences both cognition as well as haemoglobin levels, our conjecture is that the variance is due to incomplete modelling of the haemoglobin contribution to the BOLD signal model.1


The identification of residual physiological contributions to the human functional connectome suggests the current assumption that intra-subject functional correlations are insensitive to static physiological factors is incorrect. Functional connectomes may be confounded by inter-subject physiological variance, which contributes to the relationship between functional connectomes and cognitive measures. Extensions to incorporate temporally invariant physiological measures, such as haemoglobin, into network models are necessary, and further work is required to ascertain the influence of other physiological factors and their impact on human cognitive domains.


We would like to thank the ASPREE Group, the radiographers and technical staff who collected the data, and all the participants for volunteering their time.


1. Ogawa S, Menon RS, Tank DW, et al. Functional brain mapping by blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast magnetic resonance imaging. A comparison of signal characteristics with a biophysical model. Biophys J 1993;64(3):803–12.

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Figure 1: The physiological connectome in which the edge-weights are a linear regression between haemoglobin levels and functional connectomes across all subjects. Only edges that reach a significance threshold of 0.05 using the network-based statistic are shown. The colour-bar corresponds to the linear regression coefficient (units are g/dl).

The moderation connectome in which edge-weights are derived from the linear regression coefficients of the interaction between fMRI signal correlations and haemoglobin, correlated with performance on the Hopkins verbal learning test. Only edges that reach a significance threshold of 0.05 using the network-based statistic are shown. The significant edges identify where the interaction of haemoglobin and functional connectivity explains variation in task performance.

The effect of modelling physiology on the functional connectome in which edge-weights depict connections that are significantly different between two models: (i) a linear model of performance on the Hopkins verbal learning test and fMRI signal correlations, and (ii) the same model with a moderating physiological term added. Only edges that reach a significance threshold of 0.05 using the network-based statistic are shown.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)