Sleep stage classifiers monitoring the wakefulness level of resting-state fMRI recordings have been proposed by several studies; however, the application of deep learning methods remains largely unexplored. We investigated the performance of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in the classification of sleep stages using fMRI-derived dynamic Functional Connectivity (dFC) features and simultaneous EEG-based labels. All tested architectures exhibited accuracies above 80%, with the best performance achieved using a shallow network. The learned filter weights were coherent with known stage-specific patterns of thalamo-cortical dFC. CNNs yielded comparable classification accuracy to Support Vector Machines (SVMs), without the need for exhaustive hyperparameter tuning.
Data acquisition and pre-processing: An epileptic patient (male, 9 years old) underwent a simultaneous EEG-fMRI acquisition with a total duration of 30 minutes, during which alternation between wakefulness and sleep stages 1 and 2 was observed according to the EEG analysis by an expert neurophysiologist. BOLD-fMRI data were acquired using a 2D multi-slice GE-EPI sequence (TR/TE=2500/30ms, 40 axial slices, 3.5x3.5x3.0mm3). A T1-weighted structural image was also acquired (1mm isotropic). EEG data were recorded using an MR-compatible 32-channel system (Brain Products). EEG and fMRI data were pre-processed as described in a previous work4.
Estimation of dFC matrices: The estimation of dFC matrices (Fig.1) was performed using FSL-v5.0 ( and MATLAB-R2016b. Following brain parcellation into 90 ROIs defined by the AAL template5, representative BOLD time-series were obtained by within-ROI averaging and bandpass filtering (0.01-0.1Hz)6. dFC matrices were computed through a sliding-window Pearson correlation approach (window length= 37.5 s, step size=5 s), followed by the subtraction of the static FC matrix7.
Image labeling: Every 30-s segment of the EEG dataset was assigned one sleep-stage label (S1 or S2) by a neurophysiologist8. Periods of time comprising more than one sleep stage were labeled as transition states (S1-S2 or S2-S1). This resulted in 4 classes with the following number of dFC matrices each: 99 for S1, 161 for S2, 21 for S1-S2 and for S2-S1. Within-class mean and standard error dFC matrices are presented in Fig.2.
CNN implementation and training: CNN implementation was performed using MatConvNet ( The classification task was subdivided into a binary problem comprising classes S1 and S2 and a multi-class problem including the four classes. Three architectures (Fig.3) were evaluated: the filter design in Architecture 1 was inspired by the Connectome-CNN (CCNN) proposed by Meszlényi and colleagues9; Architecture 2 follows an AlexNet-like design10; and Architecture 3 comprises a single fully connected layer. The networks were trained using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with momentum and standard hyperparameter values.
Control tests: The following control tests were conducted using Architecture 3: in Control 1, average BOLD signal time-series in each ROI were used as features (1x90 vectors)11; in Control 2 and Control 3, phase randomization was applied to the ROI-averaged BOLD signal time-series11 and to the dFC matrices, respectively12.
Comparison with SVMs: A SVM with a radial basis function (RBF) kernel was applied3 using LIBSVM ( including a thorough hyperparameter optimization.
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