Needle artifacts caused by large magnetic susceptibility differences between metallic needles and stylets and the surrounding tissue are a persistent problem in interventional MRI. In this abstract, we present the concept, design and modeling results of a active shim system for needles inspired from degaussing coils used in naval vessels. Field disturbance induced by a Titanium needle at 3 Tesla is modeled and an active orthogonal shim coil insert design is presented to demonstrate shimming of the field variation around the needle. This work lays the foundation for designing full generalized active shim systems for Interventional MRI probes.
The proposed solution is inspired from degaussing coil technology used in ships and submarines for defense against magnetic field sensitive sea mines as well as recent work in local shim coils for brain MRI6-9. Similar to a ship’s degaussing coil structure, a shim insert with DC coils is proposed that will produce the necessary corrective field outside the needle.
Needle Design and Field Modeling : We modeled the shimming of a 10 Gauge (3.4/2.7 mm OD/ID) Titanium needle ( Volume Susceptibility : 𝟀 = 182*10-6 ) in a surrounding medium of Water (𝟀 = -9.05*10-6 )10. A 100 mm hollow needle was designed in SolidWorks (Dassault Systemes, MA, USA) with a 30o single sided bevel at the tip. The design was exported as an .STL file into MATLAB ( Mathworks, MA, USA) and voxelized to yield a 3D grid of points defining the needle in space (Figure 1). The voxel resolution was set to 0.1 mm. A sub-grid of 40 mm3 ( 4003 voxels) was used for modeling the field from the top 3 cm of the needle. The field was modeled for two orientations with needle orientated perpendicular to the B0 field, along the magnet’s up-down (X) axis. The field distortion was computed using Fourier-analysis based field modeling at 3 Tesla11,12.
Shim Coil Design and Modeling : Two shim coils with 26G (0.4 mm OD) wire were designed in the needle’s coordinate system ( XN : Along needle length, YN , ZN : along radial directions) with normals along ZN (CN0) and YN (CN90). CN0 was designed with an angled split loop at its tip (with half the current in each arc) that followed the needle tip bevel. Coil geometry was transformed into the scanner’s coordinate frame assuming a (0,0,0) degree orientation along the magnet’s X axis. (Figure 3). The field from each coil in the 4003 target grid was then estimated by using an implementation of Biot-Savart’s field induction formula7-9, with a current path resolution element of 0.4 mm. A current of 1 Amp was used to calculate the unit Bz(r) field for both shim coils.
Field Shimming : The field produced by the two shim coils were used to shim the needle induced field by multilinear least squares fitting in Matlab with a mask defined to exclude voxels within the needle. The currents were constrained to 600 mAmperes in each coil.
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