Recognizing that the coherence of proton nuclear spin ensembles in dyadic brains is periodically enforced by the RF excitation pulses so that superposition states may be embedded in MR signals, the mathematical language of quantum theory is utilized to describe a dyadic fMRI experiment. Within this platform, the data-driven dyadic communication model, two coupled three-layer neural networks, predicts not only brain-to-brain interaction operations but also entanglement operations which might profoundly expand our understanding of human social communication.
Quantifying communication between two human brains is essential for scientifically understanding social activities, just as studying the interaction of two particles is essential to modern physics. The difference is that a particle is an objective entity, whereas a brain is a subjective and objective dualistic entity. Thus, conventional objective observation and logic used in approaching physical sciences become profoundly insufficient when involving brain behaviors.
In light of that nuclear spins in the brain might reveal certain quantum aspects of brain activities,1 two recent developments in MRI present an opportunity to directly measure dyadic brain interactions and entanglements.2 First, the dyadic fMRI (dfMRI) can scan two face-to-face brains simultaneously inside of one MRI scanner, which enables direct observations of two communicating brains without any media filtration in between, as shown in Fig. 1. Second, the dualistic nature of a brain can be experimentally determined from the dfMRI data, where each brain in communication behaves as a “dual-logic system” whose exogenous and endogenous systems operate in two distinct but complementary logical systems.
MRI measurements are an observation of macroscopic quantum system,3 where coherence of proton nuclear spin ensembles in dyadic brains is periodically enforced by the RF excitation pulses so that superposition states may be embedded in MR signals periodically, and decoherence time differences in different brain tissues yield image contrast. Such superposition states in the experimental data from dyadic brain might allow us to observe not only the brain-to-brain interaction mediated by sensorimotor systems but also their entanglement beyond the capacity of sensorimotor systems.
1. M. Fisher, Quantum cognition: The possibility of processing with nuclear spins in the brain, Annals of Physics, Nature 362, 593-602 (2015).
2. R. Lee,Dual Logic and Cerebral Coordinates for Reciprocal Interaction in Eye Contact, PLoS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0121791 (2015)
3. A. Abragam, Principles of Nuclear Magnetism.(Oxford Science Publications, 1961)
4. M. Gobbini, J. Haxby, Neural response to the visual familiarity of faces, Brain Res Bull 71, 76-82 (2006)