Reading a window to world’s information, is a coordinated skill of grapheme-phoneme interface (letter-sound) at symbolic level. Inefficient mapping of this alphabets-horizontal string is labeled as dyslexia (reading problem). It can be developmental or acquired (post-stroke) disorder. Developmental dyslexia (DD) is heterogeneous state with disputed underlying mechanism(s) constraining optimal remediation. Compared to typical readers, DD literature is bifurcated into children with strength and impairment for visual perception. To unfold it neurobiologically, nonsymbolic visual processing role was studied. Observed bilateral brain activation (functional MRI) of ventral stream (inferior occipital and fusiform) and modified dorsal route-gating for figure-ground filtering in DD.
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Figure-1: BOLD (fMRI) activation during visual processing (searching missing part in the picture) in (i) healthy adults (n=16), (ii) age-matched typical reading children (healthy control,n = 20) and (iii) dyslexia children (n = 20) [analysed using one-way one-way ANOVA (p < 0.001, voxel threshold: 10, 1 voxel: 2x2x2 mm3); A- anterior view; P- posterior; R-right; L- left; I- inferior; S- superior view; MFG-middle frontal gyrus, IFG-inferior frontal gyrus, STG-superior temporal gyrus, IOG-inferior occipital gyrus, SPL-superior parietal lobule]