recently introduced a novel ultrafast 3D gradient-echo-based
imaging technique using spatio-temporal encoding (SPEN) or quadratic-phase
encoding, which were dubbed RASE-I
and -II (Rapid Acquisition with Sequential Excitation). RASE has less sensitivity to field
inhomogeneities and susceptibility differences compared to conventional gradient-echo EPI (GE-EPI), sharing the
advantages of 3D imaging such as high signal-to-noise ratio and high spatial
resolution. In this study, we present promising results of RASE-II fMRI, i.e.,
better t-scores, tSNR than conventional 2D and 3D GE-EPI, on a 9.4-T animal
Sequence: Figure1 illustrates the RASE-II sequence diagram (a) and schematic representation of its sequential and local excitation and rephasing mechanism in SPEN direction (b). In RASE-II, spin excitation and data acquisition are performed with the same duration and, between them, a rephasing gradient is applied to make all the spins experience constant TE. We already described the features of the RASE-II sequence in detail in the previous reports2.
Lemon imaging: To demonstrate the robustness against B0-inhomogeneities, high-resolution lemon imaging was performed using 2D-FLASH (c), 2D-EPI (d), 3D-EPI (e) and RASE-II (f) for comparison purposes. Scan parameters were summarized in Table1.
BOLD-fMRI: RASE-II fMRI were compared with 2D-EPI (Group_1) and 3D-EPI (Group_2) fMRI using 5 rats (male Sprague-Dawley rats aged 7-8 weeks and weighing 270~300g), respectively, and 7 trials were performed on each rat at 9.4T (Bruker-BioSpec, 94/30 US/R) and averaged to calculate tSNR and SNR. Rat was initially anesthetized with 4% isoflurane in a mixture of oxygen and air gases (1:9) and 2.5% during surgical preparation. After surgery, isoflurane was discontinued and a-chloralose was injected (40mg/kg/90min). Two-needle electrodes were inserted into a left forepaw to induce the electrical-stimulus pulses (333.0-ms pulse width and 1.5-mA current) at a frequency of 3 Hz. Each trial consisted of three consecutive periods: resting(49.92s;20volumes)-stimulation(19.97s;8volumes)-resting(49.92s;20volumes). Scan parameters were summarized in Table1. Images were reconstructed offline with MATLAB(ver.8.2.0; R2013b) using the super-resolution (SR) algorithm along the SPEN direction4.
Lemon imaging: Figure1 shows the high-resolution lemon images from 2D-FLASH (1c), 2D/3D-EPI (1d, 1e) and RASE-II (1f). Due to desirable degree of immunity to field inhomogeneity, RASE-II provided better image quality than EPI with less distortion and signal loss, especially in centered seed regions that experience large susceptibility differences.
fMRI experiments: Figure2 shows tSNR and SNR maps from 2D/3D-EPI (a-left, b-left) and RASE-II (a-right, b-right) on the somatosensory area. As shown in Figs.2c-e where total voxel values of tSNR and SNR were plotted, RASE-II provided overall better tSNR than 2D- and 3D-EPI, whereas it provided intermediate SNR between 2D- and 3D-EPI. Mean values of tSNR/SNR in Group_1 and 2 were summarized in Table2. For better representation of relative comparison among three methods (Fig.2e), 2D- and 3D-EPI data in each group were normalized with respect to the mean tSNR/SNR values (=32.76/54.4) of RASE-II.
Fgiure3 shows total averaged t-score maps (≥ 3) of BOLD activation in Group_1 (a) and Group_2 (b). The maximum t-score and number of activation voxels were presented in Table2. BOLD percent-signal-changes calculated in the same ROI (33-voxels, subfigures) did not show a significant difference among three methods, implying that RASE-II fMRI belongs to gradient-echo fMRI.
[1] Ryu JK, et al. A new ultrafast 3D gradient-echo magnetic resonance imaging method: RASE-I. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. 2017.
[2] Ryu JK, et al. A new ultrafast 3D gradient-echo-based imaging method: RASE-II. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. 2017.
[3] Ryu JK, et al. Enhanced fMRI using a novel 3D ultrafast gradient-echo-based sequence using spatiotemporal encoding. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. 2018.
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