In this study, the relationship between EEG alpha band power and the BOLD signal is examined in the thalamus. We overcome previous limitations in temporal resolution by using fast fMRI (MREG) acquisitions. We also consider a wider range of lags between EEG and BOLD signals than previous studies. In addition, cross correlations between alpha EEG and fMRI signals from all voxels in the thalamus region of all subjects are automatically classified using clustering to reveal consistent spatial-temporal patterns in the relationships between EEG alpha activity and BOLD signals in different parts of thalamus.
Data acquisition: Six healthy volunteers (mean age 32, 4 male) participated in this study. Simultaneous EEG and fast fMRI (MREG sequence; 20 min, TR = 0.1s, TE = 36 ms, and FA = 25°) recordings were acquired with Siemens 3T TIM Trio scanner and a 256-channel MR-compatible EEG (EGI; sampling rate 1000 Hz) while the subjects were at rest with open eyes. Also, a high-resolution T1-weighted was acquired for each subject .
FMRI data processing: The fast fMRI data were motion corrected, spatially smoothed with a Gaussian kernel of 4 mm FWHM, and registered to anatomical data using FSL software ( To obtain the thalamus BOLD signals, brain region segmentation was performed using FreeSurfer ( Finally, extracted BOLD signals were temporally band pass filtered between [0.01, 0.2] Hz.
EEG data processing: (1) gradient switching and cardiac ballistic effects were corrected using template subtraction method, and the residual effects were removed using ICA; (2) the data were down sampled to 200 Hz and re-referenced to common average reference; (3) using a short-time Fourier Transform (1-sec sliding Hanning window with step = 100 msec), we generated the power spectrogram for each channel separately; (4), alpha band fluctuations for each TR epoch was obtained by averaging the spectrogram power in the 8 to 12 Hz band, and then across all channels to obtain the alpha global field power (GFP); (5) the overall alpha rhythm for each subject was convolved with the canonical HRF (gamma PDF that peaks at 5 sec).
Lag Dependent Relationship: Since the correlation merely provides instantaneous zero-lag dependencies between two signals, we opted for the cross-correlation function (CCF) is to characterize the dependency between EEG alpha rhythm and BOLD signals6,
$$CCF(\tau)=\frac{1}{T-\tau}\sum_{t=1}^T x_t^*y_{t+\tau}$$
where š„t and š¦t denote the HRF-convolved EEG alpha rhythm and BOLD signal at time t, respectively. To compensate the delay imposed by convolving with HRF, the convolved EEG alpha GFPs were shifted precisely shifted by the delay introduced by gamma PDF ($$$x_t^*$$$).
Across voxels, these cross-correlation time series (CCF time series) exhibited quite different temporal patterns in terms of peak time, strength, and more importantly the sign of correlations. Then, to determine common temporal CCF patterns across all subjects, the CCFs from all thalamic voxels of all subjects were placed in an observation matrix and parcellated using k-means clustering. This resulted in different categories of CCFs. The voxels belonging to each CCF category are then mapped in each subject’s native space (to avoid atlas normalization).
1 Munck, J. C. de, S. I. GoncĢ§alves, L. Huijboom, J. P. A. Kuijer, P. J. W. Pouwels, R. M. Heethaar, and F. H. Lopes da Silva. 2007. “The Hemodynamic Response of the Alpha Rhythm: An EEG/fMRI Study.” NeuroImage 35 (3): 1142–51.
2 Yuan, Han, Vadim Zotev, Raquel Phillips, and Jerzy Bodurka. 2013. “Correlated Slow Fluctuations in Respiration, EEG, and BOLD fMRI.” NeuroImage 79 (October): 81–93.
3 Liu, Zhongming, Jacco A. de Zwart, Bing Yao, Peter van Gelderen, Li-Wei Kuo, and Jeff H. Duyn. 2012. “Finding Thalamic BOLD Correlates to Posterior Alpha EEG.” NeuroImage 63 (3): 1060–69.
4 Scheeringa, ReneĢ, Karl Magnus Petersson, Andreas Kleinschmidt, Ole Jensen, and Marcel C. M. Bastiaansen. 2012. “EEG α Power Modulation of fMRI Resting-State Connectivity.” Brain Connectivity 2 (5): 254–64.
5 Kropotov, Juri D. 2016. “Chapter 2.2 - Alpha Rhythms.” In Functional Neuromarkers for Psychiatry, edited by Juri D. Kropotov, 89–105. San Diego: Academic Press.
6 Davey CE, Grayden DB, Egan GF, and Johnston LA, 2013 “Filtering induces correlation in fMRI resting state data,” NeuroImage, 64: 728–740