Jingyuan E. Chen1,2, Jonathan R. Polimeni1,2,3, Nina E. Fultz1, Gary Glover4, and Laura D. Lewis1,5
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 4Radiology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States, 5Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States
In this abstract, we use very
high-resolution fMRI to evaluate inter-voxel variability of hemodynamic
response functions (HRF) elicited by a visual task. We show that HRFs exhibit
wide variability across voxels, with a subset of HRFs occurring at temporal
scales much faster than the canonical HRF, which we consider as one mechanism that
underlie fast neural-activity-related dynamics. Influence of spatial resolution
on HRF dynamics are also evaluated, we show that
use of small voxels (without spatial averaging) sampling parenchymal signals may
enable faster observed hemodynamics.
Recent resting state and task-driven fMRI studies have demonstrated detectable neural fluctuations at high frequencies
(>0.2 Hz) that are far larger than predicted by the canonical hemodynamic
response function (HRF)[1,2]. Without contradicting the classical hemodynamic response models, several possible mechanisms have been proposed, attributing
fast fMRI dynamics to well-known nonlinear hemodynamic changes elicited by short-duration stimuli[3], altered hemodynamics during low-amplitude neural
activation[4], or as of yet un-identified non-BOLD mechanisms[4].
Here, we show using very high resolution fMRI that as HRFs exhibit wide
variability even within small cortical regions, a considerable number of individual voxels demonstrate much faster responses than the grand average, which resembles the canonical HRF.
Thus, the use of small voxels (without spatial averaging) sampling parenchymal
signals may enable faster observed hemodynamics . Methods
Acquisition & Experiments: five healthy volunteers participated in this experiment after providing written informed consent, with four
participants scanned at 3T (Siemens Prisma scanner, TR/TE/FA = 780ms/34ms/53o,
voxel size = 1.23×1.23×1.5 mm3, 9 coronal slices covering the calcarine
sulcus were acquired) and one subject scanned at 7T (a whole-body scanner (Siemens
Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany), TR/TE/FA = 1010ms/28ms/70o, voxel
size = 0.8 mm iso. in-plane acceleration factor = 5,15 coronal slices covering
calcarine sulcus were acquired). Each subject underwent 5~6 event-related visual task scans
(12 Hz flickering checkerboard pattern) with stimulus presentation following a pseudo-random
m-sequence paradigm (with base-interval being 0.5 s, and 256 s-long total
duration per scan). Voxel-wise HRFs: after motion/slice timing
correction and inter-scan registration, we resampled each voxel’s time course
to match the paradigm of m-sequence (sampling rate = 0.5 s), then de-convolved
the impulse responses triggered by the 0.5 s long visual trial for each voxel. Smooth
HRF bases were generated in MATLAB following the FSL FLOBS concept[5], with the
parameters outlined in Fig. 1A. Two optimal basis sets comprising 3 and 6 basis elements (Fig. 1B) were employed to fit voxel-wise task impulse responses, termed as
‘HRF_flob3’ and ‘HRF_flob6’ respectively. Inter-voxel variability of HRF temporal
characteristics (timing and frequency responses): metrics including time-to-peak
(TTP), full width at half maximum (FWHM), and normalized frequency responses (normalized by the frequency amplitude at 0.1 Hz to enable comparisons across
voxels), were computed for voxels with T-scores > 4. Influence of voxel
size on HRF timing: the 0.8 mm isotropic resolution 7T data were spatially smoothed with
varying sizes of Gaussian kernels (FWHM = 1/2/4 mm) to evaluate how spatial pooling influences the timing and temporal frequency content of observed
HRFs. Results & Discussion
Robust activation surrounding
the calcarine sulcus was observed in all five subjects—results from the 7T
subject and one representative 3T subject are shown in Fig. 2. As shown in both Fig.
3 and 4 (‘no smoothing’), remarkably variable TTPs and FWHMs across task-active
voxels were observed for each subject, with the slowest TTPs/FWHMs being approximately
twice long as the fastest/narrowest ones. As a result, normalized frequency
responses at higher frequencies also exhibit prominent variability—with the maximum
response being ~10-fold larger than the minimal response at 0.4 Hz. A large number of voxels exhibit much
faster responses than the canonical HRF[6] (TTP = 5 s, FWHM = 5.3 s,
normalized frequency amplitude of 0.17 at 0.2 Hz and 0.008 at 0.4 Hz).
As expected, coarser effective voxel sizes imposed by
spatial smoothing reduces the dispersion of HRF timings (Fig. 4A, compare
across rows), and obscures the fastest hemodynamic responses. Notably, the mean impulse
responses appear faster following smoothing (cf. the center distribution
across rows in Fig. 4A, Fig. 4B).
potentially counter-intuitive finding can be explained by considering that the
slowest HRFs are expected to be found in large veins, which are sparse in the
cortex, therefore averaging parenchymal signals with large vein signals will
result in a net increase in HRF dynamics.
by analyzing HRF variability at fine spatial scales, we show that HRFs may give
rise to frequency responses much faster than those predicted by the canonical model.
only does this suggest that the observed dynamics will be a function of spatial
resolution, but it also suggests a strategy for increasing the speed of the
observed responses by using small voxels confined to the parenchyma, while
avoiding large draining vessels on the surface which exhibit delayed,
downstream responses. Conversely, low spatial resolution reduces HRF
variability and limiting the observable frequency upper-bound, while causing
an increase in HRF speed in regions exhibiting significant percent signal
work was supported in part by the NIH NIBIB (grants P41-EB015896, and R01-EB019437),
(R21-NS106706) by the BRAIN Initiative (NIH NIMH
grants R01-MH111438 and R01-MH111419), and by the MGH/HST Athinoula A. Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging; and was made possible by the resources provided
by NIH Shared Instrumentation Grants S10-RR023043 and S10-RR019371. References
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[6] https://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/software/spm12/.