Using manipulations of the arterial tension of carbon dioxide, we demonstrate that the paradoxical decrease in CBV associated with BOLD increases is restricted to voxels with large proportions of CSF. Excluding those voxels , we show that visual responses during hypercapnia have no change in amplitude in VASO and BOLD contrasts, but the time-to-peak of BOLD responses lengthens and CBV peak times, being longer at baseline, remain the same.
Data were acquired with the 3D EPI SS-SI-VASO sequence [2] in 5 healthy subjects on a Siemens 7T scanner equipped with a 32 channel NOVA head-coil. Sequence parameters: TI=650ms, 22 slices, FOV=130mm, 1.0mm isotropic voxels, pair-TR=4.4s, PF=6/8 with POCS #8, FLASH-GRAPPA=3, phase skip=30. A grayscale radial checkerboard flickering at 8Hz (100% contrast) was presented to subjects in 8 blocks lasting 20s in 4 scan runs (each 500s). The first run was used as a visual localiser.
In 3 runs (randomised order), end-tidal CO2 levels were manipulated by manually adjusting inspired CO2 concentrations above baseline: 0 mmHg (no CO2 delivery), +4 and +8 mmHg. A CO2 localiser run (no visual stimuli), with two 2 mins blocks of +4 or +8 mmHg CO2 (randomized order, duration 600 s) was acquired. Before each run 3 volumes where acquired with a reverse phase encode direction to perform distortion correction. At the end of each run, a further 3 volumes where acquired with identical parameters except pair-TR=9.6s, 56 slices to aid registration. Finally, two structural scans were acquired: an MP2RAGE with FatNavs[3] (0.6 mm isotropic) and a 3D GE SWI sequence with voxel size=0.5×0.5×1 mm, TR=23ms, TE=14ms, FA=8, PF=6/8, GRAPPA=2.
Scans with more than 30% of volumes motion censored (0.5mm Euclidian norm) were excluded. Fits for visual responses for each condition were obtained with boxcar models and end-tidal CO2 traces. A VASO visual localizer mask (threshold p<0.05, cluster-size=10) was used to obtain average time series. Comparison between VASO and BOLD responses was through the shared mask of VASO and BOLD active voxels, each thresholded independently. EPI images were unwarped and registered to the T1 MP2RAGE map and SWI scan as shown in Fig.1. Statistical differences were analyzed with paired t-tests.
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