Cheng Yang1, Song Wang1, and Qiyong Gong1
1Huaxi MR Research Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
Although behavioral studies have shown that males
are more resilient than females, the effects of gender on the relationship
between brain structure and psychological resilience are largely unknown. Here,
we investigated the gender-specific associations between psychological
resilience and regional gray matter volume (GMV) in 231 healthy adolescents via
structural magnetic resonance imaging. We found that the relationship between
psychological resilience and GMV differed between genders in the left ventrolateral
prefrontal cortex, with a positive correlation in males and a negative
correlation in females. Therefore, our study provided the first evidence for the
gender-specific neuroanatomical correlates of psychological resilience.
resilience reflects an individual ability to adapt well and cope successfully in
the face of adversity1, which
is associated with positive physical and mental outcomes2,3. Gender differences in psychological
resilience have always been of great interest to researchers and convergent
evidence has shown that males were more resilient than females3-5. However, little is known about the
gender-specific neuroanatomical substrates involved in psychological
resilience. Thus in this study, we aimed to explore the gender differences in
the association between psychological resilience and brain structure in a large
sample of healthy adolescents by using a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) approach measured with structural
magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI).Methods
hundred and thirty-four healthy students (122 females; mean age= 18.60 years, SD= 0.78)
from several public high schools were included. Three participants were removed due to unusual brain
structure. Therefore, 231 participants (121 females; mean age = 18.48 years,
SD= 0.54) were included in the data analysis. Psychological resilience
of each subject was assessed using Chinese version of Connor–Davidson
Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)6, 7.
Moreover, to rule out the possible effect of general intelligence and ‘big five’
personality traits on the association between brain structure and psychological
resilience, the data on the Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrix (RAPM) and NEO
Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) were collected. The imaging data were collected
using a Siemens-Trio Erlangen MRI scanner equipped with a 12-channel head coil.
T1-weighted anatomical images of each subject were obtained using the following
scanning parameters: voxel size, 1 × 1 × 1 mm3;
flip angle, 9°; matrix size,
256 × 256; slice thickness, 1 mm; 176 slices; echo time,
2.26 ms; inversion time, 900 ms; repetition time, 1900 ms. The imaging data preprocessing
was conducted using the Statistical Parametric Mapping program (SPM8) with the major
steps as follows, registration, normalization and smoothness. We used a
voxel-wise condition-by-covariate interaction analysis8 in SPM8 to detect the gender-specific
relationship between regional gray matter volume (GMV) and psychological
resilience. Gender was treated as
a condition, and age, total GMV, RAPM and NEO-FFI were treated as covariates. T-contrasts
were used to assess the interaction effect of gender and psychological resilience
on regional GMV. For multiple comparisons
correction, we used the nonstationary cluster correction approach9, with a threshold of p < 0.05 at the
cluster level and p < 0.0025 at the voxel level. Then for regions where a
significant correlation in each gender was found, we investigated whether a
significant difference in the relationship could be found between the two
genders using Fisher’s z test10.Results
At the behavioral
level, we found that males scored significantly higher than females on
psychological resilience (t229 = 3.609, p < 0.001, Cohen’d = 0.475),
which is consistent with previous findings3-5.
At the neural level, we detected significant gender differences in the relationships
between psychological resilience and the GMV in the left ventrolateral
prefrontal cortex (VLPFC; MNI coordinates: -40, 24, -14; cluster size= 499
voxels; T= 4.00; p < 0.0025; Figure 1), after controlling for age, total
GMV, RAPM and NEO-FFI dimensions. Interestingly, higher psychological resilience
was associated with larger left VLPFC volume in the males (r= 0.324, p < 0.001),
whereas females showed a negative correlation (r= -0.247, p < 0.001). Fisher’
z test indicated a significant gender difference (Z = 4.407, p < 0.05) in the
correlation between psychological resilience and the regional GMV in the left VLPFC.Discussion
The present study revealed
the gender-specific neural correlates of psychological resilience.
Behaviorally, we found that males were more resilient than females, which fits
well with previous findings3-5.
Neurally, a significant positive correlation between psychological resilience and
the GMV in the left VLPFC was observed among males, while a negative
correlation was found among females in this region. The VLPFC is importantly
involved in emotion processing and regulation11, which are constructs closely related to psychological
resilience12. Moreover, many
structural studies of stress-related mental disorders have reported that the
VLPFV might play an important role in the brain mechanism of these disorders and
represent a risk factor for the disorders13-15.
In addition, the brain development in adolescence differs between genders
and it’s reported that the prefrontal cortex undergoes gray matter volume reduction
earlier in females than in males16. Moreover, the gender differences detected
in the correlation between psychological resilience and GMV might be attributed
to the different sex hormonal levels, genetic and environmental factors between
males and females16. Conclusion
Taken together, our
study provided the first evidence in healthy adolescents that the VLPFC might
be a key region in the gender-specific relationships between psychological
resilience and brain structure.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgements.References
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