This study is the first attempt towards histological validation of diffusion imaging measure of Trace in the gray matter of macaque monkey. Heterogeneity of Trace (hTrace) computed for one monkey in 7 cytoarchitectonically different regions was compared with the variance in intracellular volume fraction for the same regions computed using digitized histological sections, stained for all cell bodies. hTrace was found to be significantly correlated with the variance in intracellular volume fraction. This shows that the diffusion measure of hTrace is sensitive to the underlying gray matter cytoarchitecture such as the cell size and cell packing density.
MRI scans of one male monkey of age 20 years were acquired in-vivo, on a Siemens 3T scanner: T1-scans: resolution = 0.6x0.6x0.59 mm3. Three repetitions of diffusion scans were acquired with: resolution = 0.8x0.8x0.8 mm3, 60 directions for b=1000,2000,3000 s/mm2 each. MRI scans were preprocessed using the standard pipeline (Figure 1). Diffusion tensor models were constructed using Slicer software7 separately for b=2000 and 3000 s/mm2, followed by computing two Trace maps. To compute hTrace and avgTrace for 7 cytoarchitecturally different regions of interest (ROIs) we used a macaque brain atlas with cortical and subcortical GM parcellations8,9. avgTrace and hTrace are defined6 as $$avgTrace=\frac{1}{N}\ast\sum_{i=1}^{N}Trace_{i},\ hTrace=\frac{1}{N^{2}}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\left \| Trace_{i} -Trace_{j}\right\|$$, where N is the number of voxels in the ROI and the Trace in a voxel is indexed by i or j.
Brain tissue was harvested from the same monkey and cut into whole hemisphere frozen sections that were 60-μm-thick sections and spaced at 600 μm apart. Sections were stained using standard lab protocol with Thionin stain (0.05% thionin at pH 4.8) which labeled all cell bodies blue. We then imaged the stained slices using a Zeiss Axioscan microscope with 10x objective to obtain a resolution of 0.44 μm (Figure 2). Same 7 ROIs used in diffusion MRI analysis were hand drawn on these digitized histological sections, which were used for ROI based comparisons. We then segmented the histology slices to identify stained cell bodies using the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox and Nuclei Counter code: ( (Figure 3).
We then computed average cell density across all tissue sections, which was the fraction of area covered by cell bodies in each ROI. Next, each section within each ROI was resampled into 2D grid of dimensions 0.8x0.8mm2 to match the diffusion voxel size. Variance of cell area density was computed across all such 2D voxel-sized squares within each ROI, which gave us the heterogeneity in cell area density (intracellular volume fraction). We then compared our diffusion measures of avgTrace and hTrace with histological measures of average cell area density and heterogeneity of intracellular fraction using Pearson correlation.
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