Abdalla Z Mohamed1, Lyndsey E. Collins-Praino2, Frances Corrigan3, and Fatima Nasrallah1
1Queensland Brain institute, Brisbane, Australia, 2Adelaide Medical School, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, 3School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a disease burden worldwide and it is associated with axonal injury and
neuroinflammation. Investigating the underlying mechanisms and the progression in
the acute and sub-acute stages following TBI non-invasively would aid for
early diagnosis and intervention. In this study, we used diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) to investigate the microstructural changes following TBI. Furthermore,
we used immunohistochemistry to investigate the axonal injury and microglial
activity following TBI. Using DTI, we detected persistent microglial activity
associated with TBI which might suggest a possible use of DTI for reflecting on
the microstructural changes associated with TBI in humans.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause
of death or disability. Brain injury induces shearing force between white and
grey matter initiating microstructural changes and neuroinflammatory response1–3. Several studies aimed to develop non-invasive
techniques to monitor these changes following TBI for better diagnosis and
possible treatment interventions. The Marmarou weight-drop rodent model of TBI
resembles human closed head injury4, and it has been characterized by diffuse axonal injury,
contusions, and impairment of cerebral blood flow autoregulation1–3. Furthermore, reduced mean diffusivity and radial
diffusivity using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been seen five days post
injury5 and these changes correlated with astrogliosis5. Altered white-matter structure 7 days post-TBI has
been associated with axonal damage (amyloid precursor protein (APP))6. To date, only one study investigated these changes 30
days post-TBI in female rodents and showed a correlation between FA and
astrogliosis in the grey-matter post-TBI7. Interestingly, a recent study showed that females
exhibit more severe white-matter damage as compared to males8. The primary objective of this study is to detect a
spatiotemporal profile of microstructural alterations and identify the
possibility of using DTI to detect the temporal profile of microglial activity following
TBI in male rodents. Methods
Adult male Sprague Dawley rats (n = 33, 10-12 weeks old, 375 -
425gm) underwent moderate-severe
closed-head TBI using the Marmarou model2. A total of 8 rats underwent MRI imaging at control
(pre-TBI), 1, 7, 14, and 30 Days post-TBI. The rest of the animals were
perfused for immunohistochemistry (n=5 per time-point). Anatomical, T2-weighted imaging
was acquired using a rapid-relaxation-with-enhancement (RARE) sequence with
TR/TE=5900/65ms, RARE-factor=8, FOV=32×25x20 mm, and matrix=256×256×40. DTI was
acquired using an axial EPI sequence with TR/TE/FA=10000ms/29ms/90o,
FOV =24.8 x 24.8 mm, matrix= 108 x 108 x 41, slice thickness=0.5, slice gap =
0.1, 32 directions with b-values=750, 1500 s/mm2, and 4 b0
volumes. DTI and T2 images were corrected for
the field bias inhomogeneity, and skull stripped using 3D pulse-coupled neural
networks9 and corrected manually. DTI were also corrected for
eddy current and motion (FSL-MCFLIRT). The Diffusion Toolkit (DTIFIT)
was used to fit the diffusion tensors and generate eigen values and vectors and
fractional anisotropy (FA). T2 and DTI
images were normalized to the Schwarz rat template non-linearly (fsl-fnirt)10. Differences between time-points
post-TBI and sham were calculated using unpaired t-test performed using permutation
test (fsl-randomise), with 5000 permutations, and the resulted maps were corrected
for multiple comparisons using false discovery rate (p<0.05). Immunohistochemical analysis was performed at 4
different levels of the brain (-0.5, -1.5, -2.5 and -5 from Bregma) using Iba-1 staining to assess microglia number and percentage of activated
cells and APP as a marker of axonal injury. Results
A significant increase in fractional anisotropy
(FA) was seen in the white-matter including the corpus callosum (CC), internal
and external capsule (IC, EC), optic tract (OP) at 7d, 14d, and 30d and grey-matter
in the piriform, amygdala, thalamus, and hippocampus at 7d, 14d and 30d, but
was reduced in the cortex at 7d and 30d (Fig.1). Radial diffusivity (RD) was reduced
in the CC, IC, EC, OP, anterior commissure (AC), thalamus, amygdala,
hippocampus and cortex with most of the changes observed at 14d (Fig.2). At 24hr,
APP was significantly increased compared to sham in all ROIs indicating diffuse
axonal injury, which was resolved by 7 days post-injury (Fig.3). For total
number of microglia, increases were seen in the cortex, CC, and hippocampus,
although this was not dependent on time post-injury (Fig.4). For activated microglia,
distinct patterns were seen dependent on brain level and region analysed;
however, the largest increases in microglial activation were seen at 24h
post-injury with highest levels of activation in the CC, as expected given the
nature of the experimental injury model. Discussion
has been reported in both human and animal studies following a TBI 5,11,12. Most studies which employed
DTI to a closed-head injury model focused on the first 10 days post-TBI. Only one study investigated the injury progression over 30 days7 and showed that DTI was more
reflected by a change in astrogliosis and demyelination following TBI. The
present study was built upon the same concept by incorporating longitudinal imaging with immunohistochemistry
showing increased microglia activation corresponding to increased FA suggesting changes in the tissue structure due to the active microglia observed from 24hrs and
persistent for 30 days post-TBI. In
conclusion, our results suggest the possibility to use DTI to detect
microstructural changes including microglial activity post-TBI.Acknowledgements
This work as supported by
Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) (Grant:2014000857), the Queensland
Government, Australia for the research grant to FN. This work was also supported by grants
from the NeuroSurgical Research Foundation to FC and LCP . We would like to thank the Australian Government
support through NCRIS and the National Imaging Facility for the operation of
9.4T MRI at Centre of Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
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