Apparent exchange rate (AXR) mapping might provide an insight into the exchange of water between intra- and extracellular space by using a double-diffusion encoded sequence with varying mixing times between the two gradient pairs. The connection between AXR and permeability has already been validated for simplified two-compartment models. However, multi-compartment systems and non-periodic geometries have not been evaluated so far. In this study, we were able to show that it is also possible to reliably connect permeabilities to AXR-values for these geometries. Furthermore, the AXR was only dependent on average cell size and not on the number of compartments.
were performed using Monte Carlo Simulations with GPU acceleration implemented
in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA). A schematic representation of the
AXR sequence can be found in Figure 1. Transition probabilities for random
walkers encountering a membrane were calculated according to [5]. Random
walkers which were not allowed to cross the membrane were elastically
reflected. For this study, we used randomly positioned 2D cylinders with one,
two, and three diameters and a packing density of 50%. The grids used for the
simulations are shown in Figure 2. The 3 grids had been precomputed and were then
used for all simulations. More detailed information about the grids can be
found in Table 1. The grid size was set to 200 µm2,
since larger grids had no further influence on the simulation results. To
evaluate the influence of the membrane permeability, 10 logarithmically spaced
permeabilities betweenρ=0.0005µm/ms andρ=0.05µm/ms were
simulated. Simulation of ADC-values was carried out for 10tm with a maximal value of8/AXR;
values larger than one second were always set totm,max=1s due
to the limitation of the mixing time by T1-relaxation in real world
experiments. The gradient duration for the filter block was set totf=14ms and
the echo time was set toTf=28ms, while
the diffusion weighting was set to td=16ms and Td=32ms. Gradient
amplitude was set toGf=Gd=0.8T/m. Equilibrium
ADC-values were simulated withGf=0T/m. The
step-size for all simulations wasdt=5µs.
In order to allow for some statistical analysis, 8 averages with
75000 particles each were simulated. The particle count was chosen to adjust
fluctuations due to Monte-Carlo-noise to a range which may be similar to actual
experiments. The reference
AXR-values were calculated using:AXRreference=ρ⋅ScellVi⋅1fe,where Scell is the surface of the cell and Vi the volume and fe=(Vtotal−Vinside)/Vtotal.
Reference AXR-values were then calculated using the average cell radius
shown in table 1. AXR-values were fitted according to [1].
Discussion and Conclusion
The deviations for high permeabilities in Figure 4 are mainly governed by the effects of noise shown in Figure 3. This limitation is, of course, not influenced by the compartment count but solely dependent on signal-to-noise and thus on the number of simulated particles in this study. However, the presented data still show that, regardless of the number of compartments, the systems are well described by the theory when only using the average cell radius and the packing density for AXR calculations. This unfortunately also means that AXR measurements presumably cannot be used to distinguish between different permeabilities and cell size distributions.Financial support by the DFG (Grant No. KU 3362/1-1 and LA 2804/6-1) is gratefully acknowledged.
One of the two Titan Xp GPUs used for this study was donated by the NVIDIA Corporation.
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[4] Ludwig, Dominik et al. “Apparent exchange rate mapping: relation to membrane permeability” ISMRM Annual Meeting 2018, In proc., E-Poster #3231
[5] Fieremans, Els, et al. "Monte Carlo study of a two‐compartment exchange model of diffusion." NMR in Biomedicine 23.7 (2010): 711-724.