Diffusion-time (td) dependent diffusion MRI is a promising tool to probe tissue microstructure. Although different diffusion gradient waveforms (DGW) have been introduced to achieve short and long td’s, whether they have comparable sensitivity to microstructural changes remains to be investigated. Here, we examined the td-dependency of kurtosis measured using pulsed, bipolar, and oscillating gradients with different microstructural substrates. Simulations and in vivo experiments showed that the choice of DGW affects the characteristics of time-dependent kurtosis, and this effect varied with microstructural size and permeability. This knowledge is important for design of td-dependent diffusion MRI experiments.
Monte Carlo simulations were performed using Camino (http://camino.cs.ucl.ac.uk) with regular grid cylinder substrates with radius of 1µm, 2.5µm, and 5µm, varying permeabilities (p=0.0025-0.01), and constant intra- and extra-cylinder space ratios (0.78). Pulsed gradient spin-echo (PGSE), bipolar pulsed (BGP) gradient [12], and oscillating gradient spin-echo (OGSE) [13] with different number of cycles were composed with td ranging from 4 to 50ms (Figure 1A). As the exact td of OGSE is hard to estimate, we used td=$$$\frac{1}{4f}$$$ according to [13], where f is the oscillating frequency. Gradients were applied perpendicular to the long-axis of the cylinders with 14 b-values between 0-3000s/mm2. Mean kurtosis were fitted from simulated signals, according to $$$\frac{S}{S_0}=a^{-bD+b^2D^2K/6}$$$.
In vivo experiments: These DGWs were implemented on an 11.7T Bruker scanner, and calibrated with a mineral oil phantom. Neonatal C57BL/6J mice were scanned at 48hrs after unilateral hypoxic-ischemic (HI) injury (n=5) or sham injury (n=6). Data were acquired with OGSE with f=50Hz (td≈5ms), BGP with td of 5, 7, 10ms, and PGSE with td of 7, 10ms, b-value of 1000, 1500, 2000s/mm2 and 30 directions, TE/TR=52/3000ms, in-plane resolution=0.2x0.2mm, and 10 slices with slice thickness of 0.8mm. In vivo data were fitted using the DKE toolbox ().
Figure 2 show the td–dependent kurtosis curves simulated with BGP, PGSE, and OGSE (1-3 cycles) for cylinders at radius of 1µm, 2.5µm, and 5µm and permeabilities of 0.0025 (low) and 0.01 (high).
1) td–dependence and microstructure: With td in the range of 4-50ms, kurtosis measured from 1µm cylinders monotonically decreased; kurtosis from 2.5µm cylinders showed a peak around 5-20ms; and kurtosis from 5µm cylinders monotonically increased, except for the PGSE data at td<10ms. Within the same range of td, kurtosis decreased as permeability increased in all cases, agreed with previous reports [7]. Noticeably, increasing permeability shifted the kurtosis peak from the 2.5 cylinders towards the direction of shorter td (black arrows).
2) DGW and td dependency: Choice of DGW does not alter the overall patterns of time-dependent kurtosis curves described above. Visually, the td-dependency of kurtosis was the strongest with PGSE encoding (most sensitive to change of td), compared to OGSE and BGP; and the sensitivity decreased as the number of cycles increased in OGSE, as suggested by a previous report [8].
3) DGW and microstructure: We examined the DGW-dependency by comparing the kurtosis measured by PGSE and BGP (KPGSE / KBGP ratio) and BGP and OGSE (KBGP / KOGSE ratio). Figure 3A shows that a) the ratios decreased as cylinder radius increased from 1µm to 2.5µm, and b) the ratios increased as permeability increased in all cases.
In vivo data from the mouse brains agreed with the simulation results, e.g., at equivalent td’s, KPGSE >KBGP >KOGSE (Figure 3B). In the HI-injured mice, the ipsilateral cortex with severe edema showed lower KPGSE / KBGP and KBGP / KOGSE ratios, compared to the contralateral side or the shams (Figure 3C). The reduced ratios indicated increased microstructural size according to the simulation (Figure 3A), and agreed with swelling of cellular structures in edema.
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