The analysis of the whole-brain statistical variability maps corresponding to different statistical coefficients provides quantitative and anatomical information regarding the reproducibility, reliability or biological variability of diffusion MRI data. However, the separate analysis of each statistical map cannot reveal the emerging relationships that exist between these three properties of the data and their interactions across the brain anatomy. In this abstract, we present a new integrated multi-parametric segmentation approach for the combined visualisation and analysis of the reproducibility, reliability and biological variability maps using diffusion MRI data acquired from an older population.
Participants: sixteen healthy volunteers between 53 and 65 year old (8 females) each one scanned at three different sessions one and three weeks apart.
Data acquisition: per scanning session, 60 diffusion-weighted MRI volumes (b-value = 1500 sec/mm2) acquired along 60 different directions isotropically distributed on the sphere. In addition, 9 zero diffusion-weighted MRI volumes (3 volumes with reverse phase encoding direction).
Data preprocessing: each diffusion-weighted dataset was corrected for movement, Eddy currents and EPI geometric distortion artefacts using FSL eddy and topup1,2,3.
DTI metrics: nonlinear estimation of the diffusion tensor at each voxel and computation of fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) whole-brain maps.
Voxel-level statistics: within-subject coefficient of variation (CVws), intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and between-subjects coefficient of variation (CVbs) to quantify the reproducibility, reliability and biological variability of each metric across the k=3 sessions at each voxel location.
$$$ CV_{ws}=\frac{(inTerSessionVariability) } {(grandMean)} ; $$$ $$$ ICC=\frac{(inTerSubjectVariability)-(inTerSessionVariability) } {(inTerSubjectVariability)+(k-1)(inTerSessionVariability)} ; $$$ $$$ CV_{bs}=\frac{(inTerSubjectVariability) } {(grandMean)}$$$
Multi-parametric segmentation of biological variability maps: each CVbs map was segmented into four separated regions of low/high levels of reproducibility and reliability using the following threshold criteria: CVws < 10% for high reproducibility regions versus CVws > 10% for low reproducibility regions5, ICC<70% for low reliability versus ICC > 70% high reliability 3,4,5,7.
The multi-parametric segmentation of the CVbs maps produces meaningful anatomical regions where coherent patterns of reproducibility, reliability and biological variability can be identified. In addition, there is an emerging interaction effect of the reproducibility and reliability of the metrics on their biological variability.
For the FA, the biological variability is higher in regions of low reproducibility but high reliability such as the cortex and the underlying u-shape white matter fibres (Figure 1 Low-High quadrants). In contrast, the biological variability of FA is lower in regions of high reproducibility and low reliability such as the thalamus or the internal/external capsule (Figure 1 High-Low quadrants).
The same interaction between reproducibility and reliability is observed in the case of the MD, although demonstrated on a different pattern of anatomical regions. The biological variability of MD is very high in regions of low reproducibility and high reliability, for example near the surface of the brain (Figure 2 Low-High quadrants). It reduces in regions with high reproducibility and low reliability such as most subcortical grey matter regions (Figure 2 High-Low quadrants).
Finally, the regions with high levels of reproducibility and reliability are characterised by a dynamic range of biological variability in both metrics (High-High quadrants in Figure 1 and 2). In addition, there are clear anatomical differences between these groups of regions for each separate metric. The FA is reproducible and reliable mostly in the deep white matter, while in the case of the MD these regions are mostly associated with the cortical grey matter.
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