Single-shell diffusion data with b=1000 is commonly acquired in clinically focused studies, and fit with a tensor to calculate microstructure parameters, despite that model's limitations. This study fit several multi-compartment models to such data. The most promising models were: (i) two-fiber ball-stick with a single common diffusivity parameter, which provided the most stable results, and (ii) two-fiber ball-zeppelin, which provided low-noise and stable parameter maps and dispersion values with burn-in settings above 20,000 jumps. The default model in bedpostx yielded lower quality results in this data, even with extremely long processing times.
Diffusion MRI (DMRI) acquisitions increasingly incorporate high b-values, multiple shells, and high angular resolution.1 However, acquisitions using b=1000 s/mm2 and 30 directions or less (hereafter, sparse data) are common. As they are often part of information-rich data sets, it is imperative to gain the most information possible from them. The limitations of tensor-derived scalar metrics are well known (e.g. crossing fibers).2,3 Prior work has incorporated CSF into a tensor model,4,5 and extracted microstructural parameters from CSF-free regions.6 However, the application of compartmental models7 to sparse data has not been widely adopted. The exception is tractography, where ball-stick models are fit with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), but scalar outputs are not reported, nor are burn-in and other parameter settings. Default values are presumably used, which may be unsuitable.
This study addresses the following questions: (i) Which non-tensor models can be fit to sparse DMRI data? (ii) Which MCMC model settings are appropriate for such fits?
DMRI data was acquired on a 3T scanner (Discovery MR750, 8-channel coil; GE Healthcare, USA) as part of a larger IRB-approved study.8 Single-shot SE-EPI images were obtained over 31 directions (b=1000s/mm^2), with 6 b=0 scans (isotropic 2.5mm voxels, TR=8s, TE=94ms, ASSET R=2). Data was preprocessed for motion and eddy currents, and a tensor was fit using weighted-least-squares.9 One typical control subject was selected (SNR=27 in b=0 images), and analysis was performed on a thin axial slab in subject native image space (at approximately z=+8mm in MNI co-ordinates). A modest Linux-based computer was used (four 2.67GHz cores).
This work attempts to fit single- and two-fiber ball-stick10 (BS/BSS, respectively) and ball-zeppelin7 (BZ/BZZ) models to DMRI data using the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm (Camino's modelfit11) and the MCMC method (FSL's bedpostx9). The BS1/BSS1 models use a common diffusivity parameter for both compartments, while BS2/BSS2 use a distribution of diffusivities. The second fiber population was subject to automatic relevance determination.12
In testing with LM, only the BS1 model fit was possible. Other models, including zeppelin-stick, ball-cylinder, and dual-cylinder either failed to run or to converge. All six models were fit using MCMC, with the default burn-in (1000), and a larger range in two-fiber models (0–50,000).
Fitting the BS1 model using the LM and MCMC methods yielded very similar results (Fig. 1), though the fitting failed in a minority voxels with LM. Consequently, only the MCMC fitting of the BS1 model was considered further.
The six models fit using MCMC yielded plausible tissue-fraction maps in this data (Fig. 2). However, the noisy diffusivity maps from the distributed-d models motivated further trials with higher burn-in (Fig. 3). Increased burn-in eliminated the visible noise in the BZZ model, however the BSS2 map retained noise even at very high burn-in.
Model comparison plots (Fig. 4) show that two-fiber models (especially BZZ) identify higher tissue fraction, though with a corresponding increase in variance. The diffusivity values differ considerably among the models, with the BS1 and BSS1 models having lower variance. The high variance of BZZ improves at long burn-in (Fig. 5), but that of BSS2 does not.
The nature of the sparse data used here limited the choice of compartment models (e.g. two compartments, two fiber populations). However, several models were fit to this data using MCMC, and a single-fiber ball-stick model was fit with LM.
All six models included an isotropic component, offering an advantage over the tensor in areas with CSF or GM partial-volume effects. The single-fiber models and tensor were similarly limited in crossing fiber areas, reporting artificially low tissue-fraction. The maps from two-fiber models were improved in this regard, and BZZ reported the highest WM tissue-fractions, probably due to the incorporation of dispersion in the model. The diffusivity values were more variable among models, and the more complex models required long burn-in times. A key observation from the plots is that the BSS2 and BZZ diffusion SD values tended toward zero with increased burn-in, meaning the BSS2 model approached BSS1. Therefore, BSS2 is not a good model choice for this data.
Recommended model settings based on these results would be the BSS1 model with burn-in of 10,000 jumps, or the BZZ model with 20,000 (17.5h or 42h for whole brain, respectively). The next step in this research is testing data from different scanners, then assessing model outputs for their predictive power as biomarkers.13
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12. Behrens TE, Berg HJ, Jbabdi S, Rushworth MF, Woolrich MW. Probabilistic diffusion tractography with multiple fibre orientations: What can we gain?. Neuroimage. 2007;34(1):144-55.
13. Alexander DC, Dyrby TB, Nilsson M, Zhang H. Imaging brain microstructure with diffusion MRI: practicality and applications. NMR in Biomedicine. 2017:e3841.