Repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (
Male rats (Fisher 344, n=5, age =12 weeks) were employed after an ethical approval by the Danish Animal Ethical Inspectorate (2016-15-0201-00877). The repetitive mTBI protocol was adopted from Kane et al [4] and extended to adult rats. The mTBI were performed on day1 (TBI1), day3 (TBI2) and day7 (TBI3). Rats were scanned using a 9.4 T MRI system with a cryo-surface coil for rats before and immediately after each mTBI. DKI data were acquired as described previously [5]. DDE data were acquired in the axial-plane using double-pulsed field gradient diffusion experiment (d-PFG) [6] with identical encodings using following parameters (diffusion gradient separation (Δ) =10 ms, diffusion gradient duration (δ)=3 ms, with b values 0.5, 1, and 2 ms/μm2, TR/TE = 2 sec/ 65.9 ms, slice thickness=1.2 mm and, in-plane resolution = 0.29 mm). Diffusion images were registered to the respective b0 images and were further corrected for denoising and Gibbs ringing artifacts. DKI data were used to compute axially symmetric kurtosis metrics (AK, RK, and MK), kurtosis tensor metrics (MKT, WL, and WT) and DTI metrics (AD, RD. MD and FA). DDE data was used to compute DTI metrics and eccentricity (ε), fractional eccentricity (FE) and microscopic anisotropy (MA) metrics [6, 7]. Perfusion MRI data were acquired in axial-plane using a FAIR-EPI, spin-echo sequence with 16 slice-selective (flow dependent) and 16 non-slice-selective (flow independent) images and the following parameters (TI = 100-1600 ms, with 100 ms time interval, TR ≈12 sec, matrix size = 164x96, 15 slices with 1mm thickness). Before parameter estimation, denoising and Gaussian smoothing were performed to the inversion recovery (IR) data. T1 maps were generated voxel-wise by non-linear least square fitting of the IR signal equation to the selective and non-selective IR data thus obtaining T1 maps from both preparations. Using these, CBF maps were generated in a voxel-wise manner using measured T1, and blood tissue partition coefficient (0.89 ml/gm) as described elsewhere [8]. The ROIs were placed manually on the ipsilateral and contralateral side of the mTBI viz. motor cortex (IM and CM), corpus-callosum (CCC, ICC), hippocampus (IHP, CHP), caudate-putamen (ICP, CCP) and internal-capsule (IIC, CIC) according to the rat brain atlas. Statistical analysis was performed in Matlab using linear mixed model analysis, where groups are considered as a fixed effect and animals as a random effect and level of significance was assessed using an F-test followed with FDR correction as described previously [5].
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