Multi-shot EPI technique is vulnerable to patient motion. Though CIRIS proposed by our group tackles the infrequent macroscopic motion in multi-shot EPI by clustering and registration, it cannot deal with the frequent motion (e.g. shot-wise motion). In this work, an iterative motion compensation frame was introduced to correct for the frequent motion during the multi-shot acquisition. The simulation experiments demonstrated that the proposed method can obtain improved image quality in the presence of infrequent motion, and even correct for the shot-wise motion, compared to CIRIS.
Multi-shot EPI with navigator2 was used for data acquisition. The proposed method integrated the phase and motion information estimated from navigators into an iterative reconstruction frame4 to correct for motion. Fig. 1 presents the flowchart of the proposed method. In each iteration, the phase and motion information from navigator of each shot was firstly applied to the image from the last iteration (initialization value = 0) to generate diffusion images of each shot, which have different phase and spatial position. Then, the shot images were weighted with coil sensitivities followed by folding operation to obtain estimated aliasing images of each shot. After that, the multi-channel aliasing residual images of each shot were computed from the differences between the estimated aliasing images and the aliasing images from measurement image data. These multi-channel aliasing residual images were unfolded and combined to generate residual images of each shot, which have the same phase and position. Finally, these residual images were added to the image from the last iteration to improve the image quality. This process was repeated until the image had converged. In this study, the iteration number was set to 20.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, a multi-shot brain static dataset was acquired on a Philips Achieva 3.0 Tesla scanner (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) using an 8-channel head coil. The acquisition parameters included: in-plane resolution = 1.0 × 1.0 mm2, number of signal average (NSA) = 2, number of shots = 6, b-value = 800 s/mm2, and number of diffusion gradients = 6. The motion-corrupted six-shot datasets with six diffusion directions were generated as follows. Firstly, random rotational and translational motion were simulated and added to the gold standard tensors calculated from the acquired static dataset. Then, a diffusion image was generated using the tensors with motion and the corresponding b-matrix. After that, the phase map from the in vivo data and eight coil sensitivities were applied to the diffusion image to generate multi-channel diffusion data. Finally, one shot data was extracted from the k-space data of the multi-channel diffusion images. The k-space datasets for other shots and directions were generated through the same method. Navigator data were obtained by downsampling these multichannel diffusion images to a 72 × 36 matrix. NSA was set to 2 and Gaussian noise with SNR of 10 was added to the k-space in the simulation. Two experiments with different motion frequency were simulated: 1) two movements per direction; 2) shot-wise random motion. The rotation ranges from –10° to 10°, and the translation ranges from –3 to 3 pixels.
The proposed method can improve the image quality in the presence of infrequent motion and even correct for the shot-wise motion, compared to CIRIS.[1] Chen, N-k. NeuroImage 2013;72:41-47.
[2] Jeong, H-k. MRM 2013; 69:793-802.
[3] Xu, Z-b. MP 2018, DOI: 10.1002/mp.13232.
[4] Nielsen, T. MRM 2011; 66(5):1339–1345.
[5] Dong, Z-j. MRM 2017; 79(4):1992–2002.