Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can quantify anisotropic diffusion in the cerebral cortex reflecting its microstructural architecture. However, the analysis is usually performed by defining the inner and outer cortical boundaries on 3D T1-weighted images which are then applied to co-registered DTI, but this is prone to registration errors. Here we present an automatic cortical boundary segmentation method applied directly to 1.5 mm isotropic DTI acquired in 6 minutes at 3T. The cortical surfaces derived from DTI alone demonstrate the radial orientation of the primary eigenvector and appropriate FA/MD showing promise for DTI studies of the cortex in neurological disorders.
Acquisition / Pre-Processing: Six healthy adult participants (23±4, 19-31 years; 3 females) underwent DTI on a 3T Siemens Prisma (64 channel head coil) with a single-shot EPI spin-echo sequence: multi-band=2, GRAPPA R=2, 6 min scan, 6 b0, 30 b 1000 s/mm2, 30 b2000 s/mm2 (not used here), TR=4700 ms, TE=64 ms, FOV=220 mm, 90 1.5 mm slices with no gap, 1.5x1.5 mm2 zero-filled to 0.75x0.75 mm2 in-plane. The b0 and b1000 images were corrected for Gibbs ringing4, eddy current distortions (FSL v5.0.10), and denoised using adaptive soft coefficient matching5. Tensor models were fit (DIPY v0.14.0) outputting FA, MD, and primary eigenvector maps (Figure 1).
Cortical Segmentation: The flowchart of the proposed method is shown in Figure 2. Voxels were labelled as white matter (FA > 0.25), grey matter (FA = 0.025-0.15 and MD < 1x10-3 mm2/s), or cerebrospinal fluid (MD > 1.5x10-3 mm2/s). Unlabeled voxels were then labelled using a random walker algorithm with the mean b1000 image outputting a singular cluster of white matter voxels. The Harvard-Oxford subcortical atlas was then registered to native imaging space (FSL v5.0.10) and was used to fill ventricle voxels and split the segmentation into left/right hemisphere masks. Surfaces were generated using the marching cubes algorithm6 outputting a tessellation of ~150,000 vertices per hemisphere.
Typically used cortical segmentation algorithms7,8 on T1-weighted images (not used here) move surface vertices to a target intensity for white/grey matter and grey/CSF (pial) boundaries while constraining the curvature/self-intersection properties of the surface. Here instead diffusion tensor parameter values are used to move vertices to a target FA of 0.2 for the white /grey boundary and move the resulting vertices to a target MD of 1.2x10-3 mm2/s while limiting movement past a mean DWI intensity (see Figure 2) for the pial surface. To minimize diffusion measurements from non-cortical voxels, a medial surface was created by finding the half-way point between the inner/outer cortical boundaries along the white matter/cortex surface normal.
Radiality measures how aligned a tensor is relative to the normal of a surface and is calculated here as the dot product of the white/grey boundary normal and the primary eigenvector interpolated at each medial vertex. In addition, FA and MD values were interpolated onto the medial vertices and FA/MD/radiality values were averaged across each hemisphere (excluding ventricles/white matter) for each participant.
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