We introduce TractEM, a tractography-based whole-brain labeling protocol informed by the Eve Labeling [1] procedures from the single-subject Johns Hopkins white matter atlas [1, 2]. This project proposes to create a resource of manually labelled white matter atlases that is driven by state-of-the-art diffusion tractography, and can be manually created in less than 6 hours. We defined and tested the TractEM protocol on 61 tracts for 20 subjects, with multiple raters per subject, and show moderate to high reproducibility for most labels. TractEM should be a useful resource for generating target templates for automated labeling methods.
61 white matter pathways were generated, twice per subject, with TractEM protocol documented as PDFs for each pathway (https://my.vanderbilt.edu/tractem/protocol/). Example protocols and tractography results are shown for the genu of the corpus callosum (Figure 2) and the corticospinal tract (Figure 3), which display tract-specific seed-regions, ROI-regions, and ROA-regions. A 3D visualization of a number of white matter pathways and labels is shown in Figure 4.
Reproducibility is assessed using the Dice overlap coefficient. Figure 5 shows the reproducibility across raters for each white matter label, for 10 subjects from each HCP (top) and BLSA (bottom) datasets. In general, the high-quality acquisition of the HCP datasets resulted in greater reproducibility than BLSA. Both datasets show similar trends, with larger pathways being generally more reproducible than smaller ones.
The creation of manually labeled white matter atlases could serve as valuable neuroscience resources for use as target templates and for automated labeling methods. Currently, very few methods segment white matter regions, and those that do typically have few (or single) subjects, or limited white matter labels [1, 8, 9]. Here, we introduce a protocol for tractography-based whole-brain labeling that follows state-of-the-art white matter definitions, and can be performed for all 61 tracts in a matter of hours. Similar white matter segmentations using automated tractography methods are gaining popularity with ROI-based and clustering-based segmentation methods [10-12].
The tracking protocol is freely available (https://my.vanderbilt.edu/tractem/protocol/), documented in electronic reports, and version controlled. We welcome feedback and edits on particular tract protocols as well as high level processing. Future work will include labeling more datasets, investigating reasons for low reproducibility, and exploring automated segmentations using multi-atlas, machine learning, and tractography-guided methodologies.
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