In this study, we present and validate an efficient pipeline for submillimeter super-resolution hybrid diffusion imaging (SR-HYDI). The pipeline employs a collaborative patch-based super-resolution interpolation approach, which uses self-similarity to drive the reconstruction of diffusion-weighted images. The FA and MD generated from the proposed pipeline are compared against the ground-truth for validation.
MR acquisition and reconstruction
HYDI 2,3 was performed on a healthy volunteer. The diffusion images were acquired on a Siemens Prisma scanner using a single-shot spin-echo EPI with a multiband factor of 3. TE=74.2 ms, and TR=4164 ms, 220 mm field of view, 114 slices and 10:51 (min:sec) acquisition time. A four-shell diffusion imaging with monopolar diffusion scheme was used with b-values 500, 800, 1600, 2600 s/mm2, 134 diffusion directions, and 8 non-diffusion-weighted volumes. Data was acquired in two sets with reversed phase-encode blips. Two of these sets had the resolution of 1.25 x1.25x1.25 mm3 (1.25-cubic-mm), and another two had the resolution of 2.5x2.5x2.5 mm3 (2.5-cubic-mm). We first validated the proposed pipeline by comparing an upsampled resolution of 1.25-cubic-mm (from 2.5-cubic-mm) with the acquisition resolution of 1.25-cubic-mm. The validation uses diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics: fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD). Then, we demonstrated the upsampled submillimeter resolution of 0.625-cubic-mm from 1.25-cubic-mm resolution. We demonstrated DTI metrics (FA, MD, axial diffusivity (Da), and radial diffusivity (Dr)), neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) metrics (intracellular volume fraction (Vic) and orientation dispersion (OD)) 4, and a q-space metric (zero-displacement probability (P0)) 5.
All the DW images were denoised from Rician noise using overcomplete local Principal Component Analysis as proposed in 6. And FSL-topup which is a part of the FSL package version 5.0.11 (FMRIB, Oxford, UK) was used to calculate and correct the susceptibility distortions, and FSL-eddy 7 was used to correct motion. We used the CLASR method to upsample the diffusion images with 2.5-mm-cubic resolution to 1.25-mm-cubic resolution for comparisons. In addition, we used the same method to upsample the 1.25-cubic-mm data to submillimeter 0.625-cubic-mm resolution.
FA and MD from the upsampled resolution of 1.25-cubic-mm and from the true acquisition resolution of 1.25-cubic-mm were transformed to the standard Montreal Neurological Institute space (MNI) using ANTs 8. Means and standard deviations of the FA and MD values were extracted from 48 cortical regions of interest (ROI) defined in the Harvard-Oxford atlas (Figure 1a) 9. Similarly, means and standard deviations of the FA and MD values were extracted from 48 white-matter ROIs defined in Johns-Hopkins white-matter atlas (Figure 1b) 10.
Results and Discussion
The means and the standard deviations of FA and MD in cortical and white-matter ROIs were almost identical (Figure 2). Figure 3 shows the comparison of the cerebrospinal fluid, gray matter, and white matter density maps 11 of the 2.5-cubic-mm versus that of the 1.25-cubic-mm as well as 0.625-cubic-mm. It demonstrates the ability of the SR-HYDI at the 0.625 -cubic-mm to recover details that exceed those of the original acquisition at 1.25 -cubic-mm. Figure 4 demonstrates the ability of the proposed SR-HYDI method to yield superior quality images at submillimeter (0.625-cubic-mm) with an affordable 20 minutes acquisition time.1. Coupé, P., Manjón, J., Chamberland, M., Descoteaux, M. & Hiba, B., Collaborative patch-based super-resolution for diffusion-weighted images. NeuroImage 83, 245-261 (2013).
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