Anthony G Christodoulou1, George C Gabriel2, Cecilia W Lo2, and Yijen L Wu2,3
1Biomedical Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Developmental Biology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 3Rangos Research Center Animal Imaging Core, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
The objective of this study is to develop
4D time-resolved high-resolution BOLD MRI by combining low-rank sparse imaging
and compressed sensing. By expressing a dynamic BOLD image as the product of a set
of basis images and temporal functions, we are able to capture differential dynamic
BOLD responses to oscillating
hypoxia challenge in high-resolution 3D space in genetically engineered mouse
Blood oxygenation level dependent
(BOLD) contrast in conjunction with neuro-vascular coupling during neuronal
activation has been used to map neuronal activities during cognitive tasks. To
capture the fast temporal signal changes due to changes in deoxy-hemoglobin, BOLD
MRI is usually acquired with low spatial resolution then super-imposed on
high-resolution static anatomical images.
However, this conventional approach can suffer from drawbacks like
mis-match of the BOLD signal and the actual neuronal location; and
low-resolution BOLD MRI can miss smaller loci of abnormal activities. The goal of this study is to establish 4D
time-resolved BOLD MRI with both high-spatial and high-temporal resolution in
the same scan. Methods
Our method uses a hybrid1 low-rank2
and sparse3
model to measure a dynamic BOLD image
ρ(r,t) (for spatial position r and time t) from undersampled (k,t)-space data. The low-rank model expresses the image as the outer product of a
set of L basis images {ψℓ(r)}Lℓ=1
and L temporal functions {φℓ(t)}Lℓ=1:ρ(r,t)=L∑ℓ=1ψℓ(r)φℓ(t), or
in matrix form, X=ΨΦ, where Xij=ρ(ri,tj),
Ψij=ψj(ri), and Φij=φi(tj).
The sparse model expresses ρ(r,t) as sparse in some transform
domain, which we choose as the wavelet-spectral domain (i.e., that Ft{Wr{ρ(r,t)}}
is sparse, where Wr performs a spatial wavelet
transform and Ft performs the temporal Fourier transform). This approach exploits the correlation of BOLD images over time as well as
the transform sparsity of the image series to allow imaging with high
spatiotemporal resolution.
Data are acquired by
alternating between collection of two sets of data: D1, which contains
auxiliary “navigator” data collected at a high temporal sampling rate but a
limited number of k-space
trajectories, and D2, which contains sparsely sampled (k,t) -space
data with extended k-space coverage.
This strategy capitalizes on the partially separated model’s decoupled resolution requirements: the
high-speed data in D1 inform the temporal basis functions (i.e., the φ’s),
and the full k-space data in D2
inform the spatial coefficient maps (i.e., the ψ’s), resulting in
images with the high temporal resolution of D1 and the high spatial resolution
of D2.
This strategy allows a two-step image
reconstruction process wherein temporal basis functions {φℓ(t)}Lℓ=1
are determined from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of D1, and the
spatial coefficient maps {ψℓ(r)}Lℓ=1 are
determined by fitting {φℓ(t)}Lℓ=1 to D2 with sparse regularization. This final
fitting step is performed according toΨ=argminwhere \mathbf{d}
are the data from D2, E is the encoding operator comprising spatial
encoding and undersampling, \mathbf{W} is a spatial wavelet transform,
and \mathbf{F} is the temporal Fourier transform.
Figure 1 shows an example of real-time 4D BOLD MRI
of a control wild-type (WT) mouse with 156-micron isotropic resolution with
oscillating hypoxia challenge every 3 min.
By separating the dynamic image into basis images and temporal
functions, we are able to acquire high-resolution 4D images at the same time to
capture the fast temporal BOLD signal changes responding to oscillating hypoxia
challenges. The temporal BOLD signal
profile from each voxel can be measured to allow sensitive detection of any voxel
that displays hypoxia responses deviating from normal healthy brain tissue. Importantly, only the brain displayed BOLD
signal changes upon oscillating hypoxia challenge whereas the head muscle
showed little dynamic BOLD signal changes (Fig. 1).
Figure 2 shows 4D BOLD MRI of a WT control mouse
(Fig.2,A,D,G,J), a homozygous pcdha9
mutant mouse (Fig.2,B,E,H,K) and a Emx1-cre
Sap130 f/ko mouse (Fig.2,C,F,I,L). Pcdha9 gene encodes protocadherinA9 mediating
cell-cell adhesion, responsible for synaptic path finding. Sap130
encodes Sin3A-associated protein 130, a member of the histone deacetylase
(HDAC) complex mediating chromatin repression. Emx1 is a mouse homologue of the Drosophila homeobox gene empty
spiracles and its expression is restricted to the forebrain and
hippocampus. Emx1-cre drives Sap130
deletion specifically restricted to the forebrain regions where Emx1 is expressed. Both mutant mice exhibited similar gross
brain morphology (Fig.2 B,C) comparable to WT control (Fig.2A). However, the 4D
MRI showed markedly different response patterns in responding to oscillating
hypoxia challenge (Fig.2 D-F). WT
(Fig.2D) showed good BOLD responses throughout the whole brain, except CSF and
middle cerebral artery (MCA). Pcdha9
mutant brain (Fig2E) displayed decreased BOLD responses in the periventricular
areas and hippocampus. Emx1-cre Sap-130 f/ko brain (Fig.2F) exhibited
differential BOLD responses in the forebrain, mid-brain, and hindbrain
regions. Temporal BOLD signal responses
to the oscillating
hypoxia challenge in selected regions (R1, R2, R3) are displayed as magnitude
(Fig.2, G-I) and phase (Fig.2 J-L). Conclusion
Our 4D time-resolved BOLD MRI can
capture the dynamic BOLD signals with high spatial and temporal
resolution. Acknowledgements
The authors thank Nathan Salamacha, Cassandra Slover,
Samuel Wyman, Lauren Myers, and Cullen Yang,
for assisting with animals.References
1. Zhao B
et al. IEEE-TMI 2012.
2. Liang
Z-P. IEEE-ISBI 2007.
3. Lustig
M et al. MRM 2007.