Dys-regulation of neural network is a biomarker for neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer’s disease. We prepared numbers of 12-month-old APP/PS1 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) model mice and obtained series of BOLD fMRI (SE-EPI) data during cue-reward association learning. We pointed out hyperactivity of amygdala as well as hippocampus in the AD mice, which may involve in a cause for alteration of behavior phenotype in the AD.
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Fig 1. Experimental design of the operant initial and reversal learnings
First, surgery to attach a plate to head of mouse was performed. After that, mice were rested for 3 days. After the rest, licking training (habituation) was conducted for 3 days. After the habituation, mice were subjected to the cue (light)-reward (water) association Go task. fMRI was conducted on the fourth day of the Go task.
Fig 2. Detail of cue (light)-reward (water) association Go task
In the Go task, mice were provided water (8µL/correct licking action) with a water-supplying nozzle only by sticking out the tongue within 2 seconds after the last of a light stimulus. The light stimulus is given to both eyes of mice from 2 lighting bulbs in front of the face.
Fig 3. Activation area of the WT and the AD model mice after the light stimulation (0s-2s)
p<0.05, FWE corrected, threshold k=20, scale bar represents T-score. In all AD model mice, activation of amygdala and hippocampus was observed. On the other hand, the activation of amygdala was not observed in all WT type mice.
Fig 4. Activation area of the representative slices of WT and AD mouse
Representative slices were shown on the super-imposed image with SPMMouse template. p<0.05, FWE corrected, threshold k=20, scale bar represents T-score. Activation of the hippocampus was observed in the WT mouse. On the other hand, in the AD model mice, robust activation of the amygdala as well as the hippocampal formation was noted.
Fig 5. Elevation of BOLD signal in the amygdala of Alzheimer's disease model mouse
We computed fMRI data sets from all reward trials (14/15 total trials) from AD#2, by spm 12 1st-level analysis. We plotted a time course of BOLD signal (percentage of increase) at the peak voxel in the right amygdala.