Cardiac-gated reduced-field of view (FOV) axial cervical spinal cord (C-spine) diffusion MRI (dMRI) has become a mainstay acquisition protocol to achieve tract-specific quantification of tissue microstructure in the C-spine. Building on our previous work in tract-specific C-spine dMRI, we summarize our experiences in combining slice-acceleration (i.e., multiband) with inner-volume-imaging (IVI) for quantitative C-spine dMRI at both 3T and 7T.
Subjects: Three healthy volunteers were recruited to participate in optimization and testing of imaging protocols. In addition, one subject was scanned three times at site 1 (Skyra) and two times at site 2 (Trio) as part of a reproducibility study 8,9.
Sequence: Two schemes of the MB-IVI SE-EPI diffusion sequence were implemented. The first scheme (Fig. 1) uses twice-refocusing with bipolar diffusion encoding to minimize eddy currents, while the second scheme (Fig. 2) uses single-refoucusing with monopolar diffusion encoding to minimize echo time (TE). The double-inversion mechanism3 is retained in both schemes to preserve longitudinal magnetization and thereby maximize efficiency. In addition, hyperbolic secant (HSN) RF pulses were implemented for inversion and refocusing to optimize the slab profile in the phase-encoding (PE) direction across all excited slices in a single MB-pulse excitation. Since the refocusing pulses are applied in the PE direction, they need not be MB pulses.
Acquisitions: Axial MB-IVI dMRI protocols were implemented on four different Siemens platforms as part of ongoing studies: at 3 T (1) Skyra with HE4 + NC1/2 elements from a 20ch head/neck coil, (2) Trio with NC1/2 elements from a 4ch neck coil, (3) Prisma with HC7 + NC1/2 elements from a 64ch head/neck coil, and at 7T (4) Magnetom AS with a custom 22-channel brainstem/cervical spinal cord coil10. Imaging parameters: in-plane resolution 0.9mm×0.9mm for Skyra and Trio, 0.75mm×0.75mm for Prisma, and 0.60mm×0.60mm for Magnetom AS, 5mm slice thickness, 12 slices covering C2-C5, MB=2 with CAIPIRINHA shift=FOV/211, TE=65-75 ms depending on the scanner platform, anterior-posterior PE direction, monopolar diffusion encoding, multi-b values (linearly spaced, up to 1000s/mm2) and multi-b vectors12 (Fig. 2). In addition, during pilot acquisitions at 3T, residual aliasing, noise amplification, and image artifacts were compared between acquisitions with MB3 and MB2; while image distortion was evaluated between monopolar and bipolar schemes of the MB-IVI diffusion sequence using an MB2 protocol.
Analysis: For the reproducibility dataset, dMRI volumes were aligned using slice-wise x and y translations12. After excluding dMRI slice/volume containing image artifacts, DTI maps (including axial (AD), radial (RD), mean diffusivities (MD), and fractional anisotropy (FA)) were calculated in manually defined corticospinal tract (CST) and posterior column (PC) ROIs12.
RSNA RSCH1328 (JX), International Progressive MS Alliance (IPMSA) infrastructure award PA0097, NINDS K01 NS105160 (ACS), NMSS FG-1606-24492 (J-WK).
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