DSC MRI allows for the characterization of first-pass hemodynamics by measuring signal intensity variation resulting from susceptibility changes during the injection of a paramagnetic contrast agent. Simultaneous spin and gradient-echo (SAGE) DSC MRI sequences can provide perfusion parameters that are sensitive to both microvasculature and larger vessels facilitating the measurement of vessel size and correcting for T1 leakage effects. This work evaluates the integration of SAGE EPI with a simultaneous multi-slice excitation to attain high temporal resolution DSC perfusion with full brain coverage. Two protocols with different multi-band acceleration factors were compared in patients with glioma.
A commercial version of a 2D blipped-CAIPI gradient-echo (GE) EPI sequence with interleaved multi-slices acquisition (Hyperband EPI) was extended to allow for the simultaneous acquisition of two GEs before the 180° refocusing pulse and one spin-echo (SE) after the refocusing pulse (Figure 1). MB-SAGE-DSC perfusion imaging was performed using a GE 3T MR 750 scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) and 32 channel receive-only head coil (NovaMedical) with either a MUX factor of two or three (13 patients each) during the injection of Gd-DTPA contrast agent with 15s delay. The imaging parameters common to both protocols included a 24x24cm2 FOV, 100x100 matrix size, 3mm slice thickness, in-plane acceleration factor of two, and TE1/TE2/TE3=8.6/30/100ms. For a MUX factor of 2, 24 slices, 1.72s TR, and 70 temporal points were prescribed while the protocol with a MUX factor of 3 acquired 33 slices with a 1.5s TR, and 80 time points. A separate reference scan was collected prior to the DSC scan to apply to the SE echoes during the reconstruction. In-plane ARC-based9 and slice-GRAPPA10 reconstruction were performed using external coil calibration data.
From the signal intensity values at three TEs, ΔR2* and ΔR2 curves were derived while removing T1 leakage effects as in Stokes et al.7 R2* and R2 baseline value were estimated from six time points acquired prior to contrast injection after steady-state was reached. dSNR was defined as the peak height of ΔR2*/ΔR2 curves divided by the standard deviation measured before the arrival of contrast agent.11 Mean dSNR within segmented normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) regionswas calculated. rCBV was determined separately using ΔR2* or ΔR2 curves and normalized for each patient. Maps of mean vessel diameter (MVD) were generated as the ratio of the integrals of ΔR2*(t) and ΔR2(t) over the first-pass bolus.2,7
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