Quantitative Multi-Parametric Mapping reveals specific white-matter tissue changes in Sickle Cell Disease
Hanne Stotesbury1, Sara Lorio1, Fenella J. Kirkham 2, Melanie Koelbel1, Sati Sahota1, Dawn Saunders3, Chris A Clark1, and Jamie M Kawadler1

1Developmental Nerosciences, UCL Great Ormond St Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom, 2Clinical Nerosciences, UCL Great Ormond St Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom, 3Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom


Diffusion studies have revealed loss of white-matter integrity in sickle cell disease (SCD), but the underlying pathophysiology is poorly understood. We combined diffusion tensor imaging with multi-parametric mapping in 23 patients and 23 controls to examine more specific imaging markers of myelin, iron, and water content. Voxel-based region of interest analyses revealed a pattern of decreased MT, R1, FA, and AD, and increased RD and MD in patients, consistent with lower myelination. Indices of lower myelination were associated with oxygen desaturation and processing speed. Our results offer insight into pathology of SCD brain changes and potential biomarkers for future trials.


SCD is a genetic disorder which adversely affects red blood cell rheology and oxygen-carrying capacity. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies have revealed abnormal integrity in normal appearing WM1–3 and associated cognitive impairment,4,5 but the underlying pathophysiology is poorly understood. Increases in corpus callosum (CC) radial diffusivity (RD) have been associated with oxygen desaturation (SpO2),1 which may reflect demyelination or axonal loss secondary to compromised oxygen delivery and extraction.6,7

Although increases in RD are sometimes interpreted as consistent with demyelination, DTI parameters are not specific to tissue properties such as myelin and iron content. Quantitative multi-parameter mapping (MPM)8 can be used to produce maps sensitive to specific tissue elements, including the longitudinal relaxation rate (R1), sensitive to myelin, macromolecular content and water; transverse relaxation rate (R2*), sensitive to ferromagnetic substances; magnetisation transfer (MT), sensitive to myelin and water fraction; and proton density (PD), sensitive to free water. These contrasts have offered insight into WM pathology in several populations,9,10 but have not been examined in SCD.

Aiming to discover biomarkers for tissue property changes in SCD, we analysed MPM and DTI parameters in patients and controls. We performed voxel-based quantification (VBQ) analyses in WM across the whole-brain and, based on previous literature,1,5 across a ROI in the CC. We hypothesised that parameters linked to myelin would be lower in patients than controls, and explored correlations with disease severity and cognitive outcome.


MRI, cognitive assessment using the Wechsler scales, and pulse oximetry were conducted on the same day. Closest full blood count was extracted from patient medical records.

MRI Acquisition

MRI was conducted on a 3T Siemens Prisma with 80 mT/m gradients, 64 channel receiver coil, and body coil transmit. We used an established MPM method based on three 3D multi-echo FLASH datasets with predominant PD-, T1- and MT-weighting acquired with 1mm3 resolution.11 Maps of the transmit field B1+ were used to correct for transmit inhomogeneities. We also included established fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR; voxel size=0.65x1x0.65mm), and diffusion-weighted (b=1000s/mm2 & b=2200s/mm2, voxel size=2x2x2mm) sequences. A neuroradiologist evaluated FLAIR images, and ROIs were drawn around silent cerebral infarctions (SCI).

MRI Processing

As previously described,12,13 MPM maps were estimated using the SPM hMRI14 toolbox. Following correction for susceptibility-induced distortions and eddy-currents, DTI maps were estimated via a weighted least squares method using tractoR15 and FSL.16 DTI maps were affine aligned to R1 maps. Automated tissue classification of MT maps was performed using the CAT12 toolbox, followed by diffeomorphic registration to MNI space using a group specific template. All maps were normalised to MNI using a combined probability weighting and Gaussian smoothing procedure (3mm3 FWHM) to maintain quantitative values.12,13

Statistical Analysis

For VBQ, a full-factorial model was implemented in SPM12, including one factor (group) and two covariates (age, gender). For ROI analyses in the CC body, a mask was derived from the JHU atlas.17 Results were family-wise error (FWE) corrected and thresholded at p<0.05. To explore correlations with disease severity and cognition, MPM metrics that survived FWE correction were extracted and averaged across clusters from the unthresholded image (p<0.001).


Whole-brain VBQ revealed lower FA and higher MD in patients across small cerebellar clusters (pfwe-corr<0.05, Table 2). ROI VBQ revealed lower MT, R1, AD, and FA in patients, along with higher MD and RD ( pfwe-corr<0.05, Table 2, Figure 1) across the CC body. Differences remained when SCI were removed. In patients, mean MT and R1 across CC clusters were positively associated with SpO2, and processing speed (p<0.05, Figure 2). There were no further correlations with anaemia severity or cognitive outcome.


Our findings confirm previous reports of changes in normal-appearing WM in SCD. The results are in line with studies reporting associations between RD in the CC and SpO2,1 and between FA, MD, and RD, and processing speed.4 Here we demonstrate a pattern of decreased MT and R1 across the CC which is correlated with decreased SpO2 and processing speed. The observed pattern is consistent with lower myelination.

It is possible that hypoxia leads to demyelination or a failure to myelinate in SCD, and that this in turn leads to slower processing. Whilst global cerebral blood flow (CBF) is increased, oxygen demand may exceed delivery in the WM, where regions of CBF nadir overlap with regions of highest SCI density,7 and abnormal oxygen extraction.18 Oxygen metabolism may be further compromised in patients with low SpO2. There is evidence that myelin-producing oligo-dendrocytes, required for fast neural transmission, are particularly vulnerable to hypoxia.19

Whilst validation in a larger sample is required, our findings offer novel insights into SCD WM pathology.


No acknowledgement found.


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Table 1: Sample Characteristics. Tabled values are means, standard deviations, counts, and t- & chi-square test statistics. Abbreviations - SCI= silent cerebral infarction, SpO2= daytime oxygen saturation, Hb=haemoglobin

Table 2: Voxel-based analysis results. Results survived whole-brain threshold correction for multiple comparisons at PFWE-Corr<0.05. Abbreviations AD=axial diffusivity, FA=fractional anisotropy, MD=mean diffusivity, MT=magnetisation transfer, RD=radial diffusivity, R1=longitudinal relaxation

Figure 1. ROI analysis results. Depicting voxels in which FA, MT, R1 and AD were lower, and MD and RD were higher in patients than controls (p < 0.05, FWE-corrected). This figure was thresholded at p<0.001 uncorrected level for display purposes only. Results were superimposed on a T1-weighted image. Significant voxels are depicted in red. The WM CC body ROI mask is depicted in blue.

Figure 2. Correlations between MPM metrics that survived family-wise error correction in the ROI CC analysis and oxygen saturation and processing speed. Metrics were averaged across clusters extracted from the unthresholded image (p<0.001).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)