Adults with Down syndrome (DS) represent an important model of Alzheimer disease in the absence of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) risk factors like atheroma and hypertension. In this study we used pulsed arterial spin labeling (PASL) to measure cerebral blood flow (CBF) in aging adults with DS and age-matched controls. In adults with DS there is a 31% reduction in CBF after the age of 54 (<54= 46.7mL/100g/min, >54= 32.3mL/100g/min, p=0.011). Despite their CVD protective phenotype, adults with DS do develop vascular dysfunction, however the onset is concurrent with dementia rather than preceding it.
Adults with DS were recruited through local DS support groups and residential facilities as a part of an ongoing longitudinal study of aging in DS (n=35, aged 26-65yrs). Fifteen age-matched controls were also recruited.
Imaging Protocol: We used a pulsed ASL (PASL) sequence with a 3-D gradient and spin echo (GRASE) readout for CBF measurement7. Parameters: TR/TE/TI (inflow time)/TS (saturation time) = 4500/13.04/1900/1400ms, slab thickness =154mm, slice-selective labeling gradient =10mT/m, matrix = 64x64x44, FOV = 224x224x154mm. Data sets were then coregistered using an intensity-based registration algorithm in Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) before being averaged to yield a control, a labeled and an M0 volume for each subject. Quantitative CBF maps (in ml/100g/min) were calculated using in-house Matlab software applying the equation8
$$CBF(mL/100g/min)=\frac{6000\times\lambda\times e^{\left(\frac{PLD}{T_{1,Blood}}\right)}}{2\times\alpha\times\left(1-e^{\left(\frac{LD}{T_{1,Blood}}\right)}\right)}\times\frac{Ctl-Lbl}{M_0} $$
where λ is the blood-brain partition coefficient (assumed to be 0.9 mL/g), Ctl and Lbl are the average signal intensity of the control and labeled volumes respectively, T1,blood is the longitudinal relaxation time of the blood (assumed to be 1.65 seconds at 3.0T), M0 is the average signal intensity of the M0 volumes, and α is the labeling efficiency (assumed to be 0.98 for PASL) .
Image Analysis: A single ROI encompassing the entire brain volume was drawn manually with the assistance of the in-house Matlab software. Global CBF was calculated as the average of all voxels in the ROI. In some subjects a large portion of the ASL signal was retained in the large arteries of the brain, so to quantify the effect of this residual arterial signal (RAS), the same axial slice from each subject received a rating of minimal, moderate, or severe RAS. An example for each rating is shown in Figure 1.
R01HD064993 from NIH/NICHD
T32 AG057461
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