A 2D multi-contrast sequence with deep learning-powered reconstruction is developed to generate four contrast images (PDw, T1w, T2w, and FLAIR) and two quantitative maps (T1 and T2) in 2 minutes of scan time. For the reconstruction, a new deep learning method that assures both data consistency and image fidelity is applied with the joint reconstruction of the quad-contrast k-space data.
[Quad-contrast sequence] The 2D quad-contrast sequence (Figure 1) was employed to acquire four native contrasts, PDw, T2w, PD-FLAIR and T2-FLAIR. From these contrasts, T1w images, and T1 and T2 maps were generated. T1w images were calculated by the ratio of the PD-FLAIR and PDw. For the T1 map, the signal evolution of the PD and PD FLAIR images were formulated:
$$S_{PD}= ρ(1-e^{-T_{recovery}/T_1 })$$
$$S_{PD-FLAIR}= ρ(1-2e^{-TI/T_1}+e^{-T_{recovery}/T_1 } e^{-TI/T_1 })$$
Then, T1 maps were fitted using non-linear least squares fitting such that errors are minimized for both equations. The PD and T2w images were used to fit T2 maps. The fitting was performed using an extended phase graph dictionary with a T2 value range from 1 ms to 300 ms and 0.1 ms resolution.
[Data acquisition] Full k-space data were acquired using the quad-contrast
sequence. The scan parameters were FOV = 256 × 256 mm2, voxel size = 1 × 1 mm2,
slice thickness = 5 mm, number of slices = 20, TR = 12000 ms, TI = 2000 ms and
total scan time = 6.4 min. Ten healthy subjects were scanned at 3T.
The fully sampled data were uniformly
undersampled in the phase encoding direction by a factor of 4 with 32
autocalibration lines. To benefit from the shared information among the four
different contrasts, undersampling schemes were devised. For the PD and T2w contrasts,
k-space lines were undersampled uniformly starting from the second line, and for
the PD-FLAIR and T2-FLAIR contrasts, k-space lines were undersampled starting from
the fourth line.
[Deep learning based reconstruction] A new deep learning-powered image
reconstruction that enforces both data consistency and image fidelity3
was modified to
jointly reconstruct the four contrasts by receiving all four undersampled
contrasts as input and generating four fully sampled contrasts as output
(Figure 2). Seven datasets out of the ten subject scans were used for network
training, one for validation, and two for test. To overcome the lack of data,
data augmentation was done by flipping the image (total training image patch:
To examine the quality of the reconstructed images,
the results were compared with images reconstructed with GRAPPA4.
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